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Wyc JDT Chapter 15

JDT 15 ©

15And whanne al the oost hadde herd Holofernes biheedid, mynde and councel fledde fro hem, and thei `schakun bi tremblyng and drede aloone token the help of fliyt, 2so that no man spak with his neiybore; but `whanne the heed was bowid doun, and alle thingis `weren forsakun, thei weren bisy to ascape Ebreis, which thei hadden herd to come armed on hem; and thei fledden bi the weies of feeldis, and bi the pathis of litle hillis. 3Therfor the sones of Israel siyen Assiriens fleynge, and sueden hem, and camen doun, and sowneden with trumpis, and yelliden aftir hem. 4And for Assiriens not gaderid togidere yeden heedlyng in to fliyt, forsothe the sones of Israel pursuynge with o cumpeny maden feble alle, whiche thei myyten fynde. 5And Ozie sente messangeris bi alle the citees and cuntreis of Israel. 6Therfor ech cuntrei and ech citee sente chosun yonge men armed after hem; and thei pursueden `thilke Assiriens with the scharpnesse of swerd, til thei camen to the laste part of her coostis. 7Forsothe the residue men, that weren in Bethulia, entriden in to the tentis of Assiriens, and token awey with hem the prey, which Assiriens fleynge hadden left, and thei weren chargid gretli. 8But thei that weren ouercomerys, turneden ayen to Bethulia, and thei token awei with hem alle thingis which euer weren of tho Assiriens, so that no noumbre was in scheep, and beestis, and in alle mouable thingis of hem, that fro the leeste `til to the mooste alle men weren maad riche of her preies. 9Forsothe Joachym, the hiyeste bischop, cam fro Jerusalem in to Bethulia with alle the prestis, to se Judith. 10And whanne sche hadde goon out to hym, alle blessiden hir with o vois, and seiden, Thou art the glorie of Jerusalem, and thou art the gladnesse of Israel, thou art the onour of oure puple, 11which hast do manli, and thin herte was coumfortid, for thou louedist chastite, and aftir thin hosebonde thou knowist not another; therfor and the hond of the Lord coumfortide thee, and therfor thou schalt be blessid with outen ende. 12And al the puple seide, `Be it! be it! 13Forsothe bi thritti daies vnnethis the spuylis of Assiriens weren gaderid of the puple of Israel. 14Certis thei yauen to Judith alle thingis, that weren preued to be propir, `ether synguler, of Holofernes, in gold, and siluer, and in clothis, and in gemmes, and in alle purtenaunce of houshold; and alle thingis weren youun to hir of the puple. 15And alle puplis `maden ioye, with wymmen, and vergynes, and yonge men, in organs and harpis.

JDT 15 ©
