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Wyc SIR Chapter 32

SIR 32 ©

32Thei han set thee a gouernour, nyle thou be enhaunsid; be thou among hem as oon of hem. 2Haue thou cure of hem, and so biholde thou; and whanne al thi cure is fillid, sitte thou to mete. 3That thou be glad for hem, and take the ournement of grace; and gete coroun, and dignyte of congregacioun. 4Speke thou the gretter man in birthe; 5for whi the word of hym that loueth kunnyng bicome thee first; and lette thou not musik. 6Where heryng is not, schede thou not out a word; and nyle thou be enhaunsid vncouenabli in thi wisdom. 7A iemme of carbuncle in the ournement of gold; and comparisoun of musikis in the feeste of wyn. 8As in the makyng of gold is a signe of smaragde, so the noumbre of musikis is in myrie and mesurable wyn. 9Here thou stille, and good grace schal come to thee for reuerence. 10Yonge man, speke thou vnnethis in thi cause, whanne nede is. 11If thou art axid twies, the heed haue thin answere. 12In many thingis be thou as vnkunnyng, and here thou stille togidere and axynge. 13And presume thou not to speke in the myddis of grete men; and where elde men ben, speke thou not myche. 14Leityng schal go bifore hail, and grace schal go bifore schamfastnesse, and good grace schal come to thee for reuerence. 15And in the our of risyng tifle thee not; forsothe renne thou bifore first in to thin hous, and there clepe thou thee to answer, and there pleie thou. 16And do thi conseitis, and not in synnes, and in a proud word. 17On alle these thingis blesse thou the Lord, that made thee, and fillynge thee greetli of alle hise goodis. 18He that dredith God, schal take his techyng; and thei that waken to hym, schulen fynde blessyng. 19He that sekith the lawe, schal be fillid therof; and he that doith tretourousli, schal be sclaundrid ther ynne. 20Thei that dreden God, schulen fynde iust dom; and schulen kyndle riytfulnesse as liyt. 21A synful man schal eschewe blamyng; and aftir his wille he schal fynde comparisoun. 22A man of counsel schal not leese vndirstonding; a man alien and proud schal not drede dredyng. 23Yhe, aftir that he hath do with that drede with out councel, and he schal be repreued bi hise suyngis. 24Sone, do thou no thing with out councel; and aftir the dede thou schalt not repente. 25Go thou not in the weie of fallyng, and offende thou not ayens stoonys. Bitake thou not thee to a trauelouse weie, lest thou sette sclaundir to thi soule; 26and be thou war of thi sones, and perseyue thou of thi meyneals. 27In al thi werk bileue thou bi feith of thi soule; for whi this is the keping of comaundementis. 28He that bileueth to God, takith heede to the comaundementis; and he that tristith in hym, schal not be maad lesse.

SIR 32 ©
