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Wyc SIR Chapter 13

SIR 13 ©

13He that touchith pitch, schal be defoulid of it; and he that comyneth with a proude man, schal clothe pride. 2He reisith a weiyte on hym silf, that comyneth with a more onest man than hym silf; and be thou not felowe to a man richere than thou. 3What schal a cawdroun comyne to a pot? for whanne tho hirtlen hem silf togidere, the pot schal be brokun. 4A riche man schal do vniustli, and schal gnaste; but a pore man hirt schal be stille. 5If thou yyuest, he schal take thee; and if thou hast not, he schal forsake thee. 6If thou hast, he schal lyue togidere with thee, and schal make thee voide; and he schal not haue sorewe on thee. 7If thou art nedeful to hym, he schal disseyue thee; and he schal flatere, and schal yyue hope, tellinge to thee alle goodis; and schal seie, What is nede to thee? 8And he schal schende thee in hise metis, til he anyntische thee twies and thries, and at the laste he schal scorne thee; aftirward he schal se, and schal forsake thee, and he schal moue his heed to thee. 9Be thou maad meke to God, and abide thou hise hondis. 10Take heede, lest thou be disseyued, and be maad lowe in foli. 11Nyle thou be lowe in thi wisdom, lest thou be maad low, and be disseyued in to foli. 12Whanne thou art clepid of a miytiere man, go thou awei; for bi this he schal more clepe thee. 13Be thou not greetli pressyng, lest thou be hurtlid doun; and be thou not fer fro hym, lest thou go in to foryetyng. 14Witholde thou not to speke with hym euenli, and bileue thou not to hise many wordis; for of myche speche he schal tempte thee, and he schal leiye priuyli, and schal axe thee of thin hid thingis. 15His cruel soule schal kepe thi wordis, and he schal not spare of malice, and of bondis. 16Be war to thee, and take heede diligentli to thin heryng; for thou goist with thi distriyng. 17But thou heringe tho thingis, se as in sleep, and thou schalt wake. 18In al thi lijf loue thou God, and inwardli clepe thou him in thin heelthe. 19Ech beeste loueth a beeste lijk it silf; so and ech man owith to loue his neiybore. 20Ech fleisch schal be ioyned to fleisch lijk it silf, and ech man schal be felouschipid to a man lijk hym silf. 21As a wulf schal comyne sum tyme with a lomb, so a synnere with a iust man. 22What comininge is of an hooli man to a dogge? ethir what good part is of a riche man to a pore man? 23The huntyng of a lioun is a wielde asse in desert; so the lesewis of riche men ben pore men. 24And as mekenesse is abhomynacioun to a proude man, so and a pore man is abhomynacioun of a riche man. 25A riche man moued is confermed of hise frendis; but a meke man, whanne he fallith, schal be cast out, yhe, of knowun men. 26Many rekyuereris ben to a riche man disseyued; he spak proudli, and thei iustifieden hym. 27A meke man is disseiued, ferthermore also he is repreuyd; he spak wiseli, and no place was youun to hym. 28The riche man spak, and alle men weren stille; and thei schulen brynge his word til to the cloudis. 29A pore man spak, and thei seien, Who is this? and if he offendith, thei schulen destrye hym. 30Catel is good to hym, to whom is no synne in conscience; and `the worste pouert is in the mouth of a wickid man. 31The herte of a man chaungith his face, ethir in good ethir in yuel. 32Of hard and with trauel thou schalt fynde the step of a good herte, and a good face.

SIR 13 ©
