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Wyc SIR Chapter 37

SIR 37 ©

37Ech frend schal seie, And Y haue couplid frenschip; but that is a frend, a frend bi name aloone. Whether sorewe is not til to deth? 2Forsothe a felowe of table and a frend schulen be turned to enemyte. 3A! the worste presumpcioun, wherof art thou maad to hile drie malice, and the gilefulnesse therof? 4A felowe of table schal be myrie with a frend in delityngis, and in the dai of tribulacioun he schal be aduersarie. 5A felowe of table schal haue sorewe with a frend, for cause of the wombe; and he schal take scheeld ayens an enemye. 6Foryete thou not thi frend in thi soule, and be thou not vnmyndeful of hym in thi werkis. 7Nyle thou take councel with the fadir of thi wijf; and hide thou councel fro hem that han enuye to thee. 8Ech councelour schewith councel, but ther is a councelour to hym silf. 9Kepe thi soule fro an yuel counselour; firste wite thou, what is his nede, and what he schal thenke in his soule; 10lest perauenture he sende a stake in to the erthe, and seie to thee, 11Thi weie is good, and he stonde ayenward, to se what schal bifalle to thee. 12With an vnreligiouse man trete thou of holynesse, and with an vniust man of riytfulnesse, and with a womman of these thingis whiche sche hatith. With a ferdful man trete thou of batel, with a marchaunt, of cariyng ouer of marchaundies to chepyng; with a biere, of sillyng, with an enuyouse man, of graces to be don; 13with an vnpitouse man, of pytee, with an vnonest man, of oneste, with a werk man of the feeld, of ech werk; 14with a werk man hirid bi the yeer, of the endyng of the yeer, with a slowe seruaunt, of myche worchyng. Yyue thou not tent to these men in al councel, 15but be thou bisi with an hooli man, whom euere thou knowist kepynge Goddis drede, 16whos soule is aftir thi soule. Who euer doutith in derknessis, schal not haue sorewe with thee. 17And stablische thou the herte of good councel with thee; for whi another thing is not more than it to thee. 18The soule of an hooli man tellith out treuthis sum tyme; more than seuene biholderis sittynge an hiy for to biholde. 19And in alle these thingis biseche thou the hiyeste, that he dresse thi weie in treuthe. 20Bifore alle werkis a sothefast word go bifore thee; and a stidfast councel go bifore ech dede. 21A wickid word schal chaunge the herte, of which herte foure partis comen forth; good and yuel, lijf and deth; and a bisi tunge is lord of tho. 22A wijs man hath tauyt many men, and he is swete to his soule. 23He that spekith `bi soffym, is hateful; he schal be defraudid in ech thing. 24For whi grace is not youun of the Lord to hym, for he is defraudid of al wisdom. 25A wijs man is wijs to his soule, and the fruytis of his wit ben worthi to be preisid. 26A wijs man techith his puple, and the fruytis of his wit ben feithful. 27A wijs man schal be fillid with blessyngis, and thei that seen hym schulen preise hym. 28The lijf of a man is in the noumbre of daies; but the daies of Israel ben vnnoumbrable. 29A wijs man in the puple schal enherite onour, and his name schal be lyuynge with outen ende. 30Sone, asaie thi soule in thi lijf; and if it is wickid, yyue thou not power to it; 31for whi not alle thingis speden to alle men, and not ech kynde plesith ech soule. 32Nyle thou be gredi in ech etyng, and schede thou not out thee on ech mete. 33For in many metis schal be sikenesse, and gredynesse schal neiye `til to colrye. 34Many men dieden for glotenye; but he that is abstinent, schal encreesse lijf.

SIR 37 ©
