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Wyc SIR Chapter 26

SIR 26 ©

26The hosebonde of a good womman is blessid; for whi the noumbre of her yeeris is double. 2A strong womman delitith hir hosebonde; and shal fille in pees the yeeris of his lijf. 3A good womman is a good part; in the good part of hem that dreden God, sche schal be youun to a man for goode dedis. 4Forsothe the herte of a riche man and of a pore man is good; in al tyme her cheer is glad. 5Myn herte dredde of thre thingis, and my face dredde in the fourthe thing. 6Bitraiyng of a citee, and the gadering togidere of puple, 7and fals chaleng; alle thingis greuouse on deth. 8The sorewe of herte, and morenyng is a ielouse womman. 9In a gelouse womman is betyng of tunge, and sche comyneth with alle men. 10As a yok of oxis which is mouyd, so and a wickid womman; he that holdith hir, is as he that takith a scorpioun. 11A drunkelew womman is greet ire, and dispisyng; and hir filthe schal not be hilid. 12The fornycacioun of a womman is in the reisyng of yyen; and schal be knowun in the iye liddis of hir. 13Make thou sad kepyng in a douytir not turnynge a wei hir silf; lest sche mysvse hir silf, if sche fyndith occasioun. 14Be thou war of al vnreuerence of hir iyen; and wondre thou not, if sche dispisith thee. 15As a weiegoere thirstynge schal opene the mouth at a welle, and schal drynke of ech watir next; and the forseid douytir schal sitte ayens ech pale, and schal opene the arowe caas ayens ech arowe, til sche faile. 16The grace of a bisi womman schal delite hir hosebonde; and schal make fat hise boonus. 17The kunnyng of hir is the yifte of God. 18A wijs womman and stille is not chaungyng of a lernyd soule. 19Grace on grace is an hooli womman, and schamfast. 20Forsothe al weiyng is not worth a contynent soule. 21As the sunne risynge in the world in the hiyeste thingis of God, so the fairnesse of a good womman is in to the ournement of hir hous. 22A lanterne schynynge on an hooli candilstike, and the fairnesse of a face on stidfast age. 23Goldun pileris on siluerne foundementis, and stidfast feet on the soolis of a stidfast womman. 24Euerlastynge foundementis on a sad stoon, and the heestis of God in the herte of an hooli womman. 25In twei thingis myn herte was maad sori, and in the thridde thing wrathfulnesse cam to me. 26A man a werriour failynge bi nedynesse, and a wijs man dispisid. 27And God hath maad hym redi to the swerd, that passith ouer fro riytfulnesse to synne. 28Twei spices apperiden harde and perilouse to me; a marchaunt is delyuered of hard fro his necgligence, and a tauerner schal not be iustified of synnes of lippis.

SIR 26 ©
