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Wyc SIR Chapter 42

SIR 42 ©

42Double thou not a word of heryng, of the schewyng of an hid word; and thou schalt be verily with out schame, and thou schalt fynde grace in the siyt of alle men. Be thou not schent for alle these thingis; and take thou not a persoone, that thou do trespas. 2Be thou war of the lawe and testament of the hiyeste, of doom to iustifie a wickid man; 3of the word of felowis, and of weigoeris, and of the yyuyng of eritage of frendis; 4of the euennesse of balaunce, and of weiytis, of the getyng of many thingis, and of fewe thingis; 5of corrupcioun of biyng, and of marchauntis, and of myche chastising of sones; and of a worste seruaunt, to make the side to bleede. 6A seelyng is good on a wickid man. 7Where ben many hondis, close thou; and what euer thing thou schalt bitake, noumbre thou, and weie thou; forsothe discryue thou, ether write, ech yifte, and takyng. 8Absteine thou fro the techyng of an vnwitti man, and fool, and of eldere men that ben demed of yonge men; and thou schalt be lernd in alle thingis, and thou schalt be comendable in the siyt of alle men. 9An hid douyter of a fadir is wakynge and bisynesse of hym; sche schal take awei sleep; lest perauenture sche be maad auowtresse in hir yong wexynge age, and lest sche dwellynge with the hosebonde, be maad hateful; 10lest ony tyme sche be defoulid in hir virginytee, and be foundun with child in the kepyng of hir fadir; leste perauenture sche dwellynge with the hosebonde, do trespasse, ether certis be maad bareyn. 11Ordeyne thou kepyng on a letcherouse douyter, lest ony tyme sche make thee to come in to schenschipe to enemyes, of bacbityng in the citee, and of castyng out of the puple; and sche make thee aschamed in the multitude of puple. 12Nyle thou take heed to ech man in the fairnesse; and nyle thou dwelle in the myddis of wymmen. 13For whi a mouyte cometh forth of clothis, and the wickidnesse of a man cometh forth of a womman. 14For whi the wickidnesse of a man is betere than a womman doynge wel, and a womman schendyng in to schenschipe. 15Therfor be thou myndeful of the werkis of the Lord; and Y schal telle the werkis of the Lord, whiche Y siy, in the wordis of the Lord. 16The sunne liytnynge bihelde by alle thingis; and the werk therof is ful of the glorie of the Lord. 17Whether the Lord made not hooli men to telle out alle hise merueilis, whiche the Lord almyyti stidfast in his glorie schal conferme? 18He schal enserche the depthe, and the herte of men; and he schal thenke in the felnesse of hem. 19For the Lord knew al kunnyng, and bihelde in to the signe of the world; tellynge tho thingis that ben passid, and tho thingis that schulen come; schewynge the steppis of hid thingis. 20And no thouyt passith hym, and no word hidith it silf fro hym. 21He made fair the grete werkis of his wisdom, which is bifore the world, and til in to the world; nether ony thing is encreessid, 22nether is decreessid, and he hath no nede to the counsel of ony. 23Alle hise werkis ben ful desirable, and to biholde, as a sparcle which is. 24Alle these thingis lyuen, and dwellen in to the world; and alle thingis obeien to hym in al nede. 25Alle thingis ben double, oon ayens oon; and he made not ony thing to faile. He schal conferme the goodis of ech; and who schal be fillid, seynge his glorie?

SIR 42 ©
