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Wyc SIR Chapter 19

SIR 19 ©

19A drunkelew werk man schal not be maad riche; and he that chargith not litle synnes, fallith doun litil and litil. 2Wyn and wymmen maken to be apostataas, yhe, wise men; and thei repreuen witti men. 3And he that ioyneth hym silf to hooris, schal be wickid; rot and wormes schulen enherite hym, and he schal be set an hiy in to more ensaumple, and his soule schal be takun awei fro noumbre. 4He that bileueth soone, is vnstable in herte, and schal be maad lesse; and he that trespassith ayens his soule, schal be had ferthermore. 5He that ioieth in wickidnesse, schal be cursid; and he that hatith blamyng, schal be maad lesse in lijf; and he that hatith ianglyng, quenchith malice. 6He that synneth ayens his soule, schal repente; and he that is myrie in malice, schal be cursid. 7Reherse thou not an hard word, and wickid; and thou schalt not be maad lesse. 8Nyle thou telle thi wit to frend and enemye; and if trespas is to thee, nyle thou make nakid. 9For he schal here thee, and schal kepe thee, and he as defendynge the synne schal hate thee; and so he schal be euere with thee. 10Thou hast herd a word ayens thi neiybore; die it togidere in thee, and triste thou that it schal not breke thee. 11A fool trauelith greetli of the face of a word, as the sorewe of beryng of a yong child. 12An arowe fastned in the hipe of a dogge, so a word in the herte of a fool. 13Repreue thou a frend, lest perauenture he vndurstonde not, and seie, Y dide not; ether if he hath do, lest he adde to do eft. 14Repreue thou a neiybore, lest perauenture he seie not; and if he seith, lest perauenture he reherse. 15Repreue thou a frend, for whi trespassynge is don ofte; 16and bileue thou not to ech word. Ther is a man that fallith bi his tunge, but not of wille. 17For `whi who is he, that trespassith not in his tunge? Repreue thou a neiybore, bifore that thou manaasse; 18and yyue thou place to the drede of the hiyeste. For whi al wisdom is the drede of God, and in that wisdom for to drede God; and the ordynaunce of lawe is in al wisdom. 19And the teching of wickidnesse is not wisdom; and the prudence of synnes is not good thouyt. 20Ther is wickidnesse of prudence, and cursidnesse is ther ynne; and ther is an vnwijs man, which is maad litil in wisdom. 21Betere is a man that hath litil in wisdom, and failynge in wit in the drede of God, than he that hath plentee of wit, and brekith the lawe of the hiyeste. 22Ther is certeyn sutilte, and it is wickid. 23And ther is a man, that sendith out a certeyn word, tellynge out treuthe. Ther is a man, that mekith hym silf wickidly; and hise ynnere thingis ben ful of gile. 24And ther is a iust man, that makith low greetli hym silf of myche mekenesse; and ther is a iust man, that bowith the face, and feyneth hym to se not that, that is vnknowun. 25Thouy he is forbodun of feblenesse of strengthis to do synne; if he fyndith tyme to do yuele, he schal do yuel. 26A man is knowun bi siyt; and a witti man is knowun bi meetyng of face. 27The clothing of bodi, and the leiyyng of teeth, and the entring of a man, tellen out of hym. 28Ther is fals repreuyng in the ire of a man ful of dispisyng; and ther is dom which is not preued to be good; and ther is a stille man, and he is prudent.

SIR 19 ©
