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Wyc SIR Chapter 8

SIR 8 ©

8Chide thou not with a miyti man, leste thou falle in to hise hondis. 2Stryue thou not with a riche man, lest perauenture he make ple ayenward to thee. 3For whi gold and siluer hath lost many men; and it stretchith forth til to the herte of kyngis, and turneth. 4Chide thou not with a man, a ianglere, and leie thou not trees in to his fier. 5Comyne thou not with an vntauyt man, lest he speke yuele of thi kynrede. 6Dispise thou not a man turnynge awei hym silf fro synne, nether vpbreide thou hym; haue thou mynde, that alle we ben in corrupcioun. 7Dispise thou not a man in his eelde; for whi of vs men wexen eld. 8Nyle thou make ioye of thin enemy deed, witynge that alle we dien, and wolen not come in to ioie of oure enemys. 9Dispise thou not the tellyng of wise preestes, and be thou conuersaunt in the prouerbis of hem; 10for of hem thou schalt lerne wisdom, and techyng of vndurstondyng, and to serue without pleynt to grete men. 11The tellyng of eldere men passe not thee; for thei han lerned of her fadris. 12For of hem thou schalt lerne vndurstondyng; and in the tyme of nede thou schalt yyue answere. 13Kyndle thou not the coolis of synneris, and repreue hem; and be thou not brent with the flawme of fier of her synnes. 14Stonde thou not ayens the face of a man ful of dispisyng; lest he sitte as a spiere to thi mouth. 15Nyle thou leene to a man strongere than thou; that if thou hast lent, haue thou it as lost. 16Biheete thou not aboue thi power; that if thou hast bihiyt, bithenke thou as yeldynge. 17Deme thou not ayens a iuge; for he demeth vp that, that is iust. 18Go thou not in the weie with an hardi man, lest perauenture he agregge hise yuels in thee; for he goith aftir his wille, and thou schalt perische togidere with his foli. 19Make thou not chidyng with a wrathful man, and go thou not in to desert with an hardi man; for whi blood is as nouyt bifore hym, and where noon help is, he schal hurtle thee doun. 20Haue thou not councel with foolis; for thei moun not loue, no but tho thingis that plesen hem. 21Make thou not a counsel bifore a straunger; for thou noost, what he schal bringe forth. Make not thin herte knowun to ech man; lest perauenture he brynge to thee fals grace, and dispise thee.

SIR 8 ©
