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OET-RV MAT Chapter 11


This is still a very early look into the unfinished text of the Open English Translation of the Bible. Please double-check the text in advance before using in public.

11:1 Yeshua and Yohan-the-Immerser

(Luke 7:18-35)

11When Yeshua had finished giving those instructions to his twelve apprentices, he also left there and went to teach and preach in the Jewish cities.

2Then Yohan, who was in prison, heard about what the messiah was doing, he sent some of his apprentices 3to ask Yeshua, “Are you the promised one, or should we be waiting for someone else?”

4Well,Yeshua answered, “go and tell Yohan everything that you’re hearing and seeing: 5[ref]those who were blind can see now, lame people are now walking, people will leprosy are ‘clean’, deaf people can now hear, dead people have been brought back to life, and the good message is being preached to the poor. 6Anyone who’s not embarrassed by me will be blessed.

7As Yohan’s apprentices left, Yeshua started talking to the crowd about Yohan: “What was it that you all went out to the wilderness to see? A reed being blown around by the wind?[fn]8Yes, what did you all go out to see? A man wearing fine clothes? People in palaces wear fine clothes. 9So why did you go out there? To see a prophet? Yes, I’m telling you that he is a prophet, and even more important than the prophets. 10[ref]He is the one that was written about: ‘See, I’m sending out my messenger ahead of you and he’ll prepare your path before you.’ 11I can assure you that no person who’s ever been born is greater than Yohan-the-Immerser. But even the least important person in the kingdom of heavens is greater than him. 12[ref]From the time of Yohan-the-Immerser through to the present time, the kingdom of the heavens has been opposed, and the opposition is grabbing at it. 13All the prophets and the law prophesied before Yohan came, 14[ref]and now, if you’re all willing to believe it, he is Eliyah—the one who would come ahead. 15Anyone who is willing, let them strive to understand this.

16So what should I liken this generation to? It’s like young children sitting in the town centre who are calling out to others 17and saying, ‘We played lively music for you but you didn’t dance. Then we played sad music, but you didn’t mourn.’ 18Because Yohan came and he wasn’t eating or drinking, and they said, ‘He’s possessed by a demon!’ 19Then humanity’s child came and he was eating and drinking, but they said, ‘Look at this fellow—he’s a glutton and a drunkard—a friend of tax collectors and immoral people.’ But wisdom is only recognised with hindsight.

11:20 Cities that rejected the messiah

(Luke 10:13-15)

20Then Yeshua began deriding the cities that he had done most of his miracles in, because they hadn’t turned from their sins. 21[ref]Chorazin you’re doomed. Bethsaida you’re doomed. Because if the miracles that were done in you had been done in Tyre and Tsidon, they would have shown their turning from their sins by wearing coarse cloth and showering themselves with ashes. 22However, I’m telling you all that it will be more tolerable for the people of Tyre and Tsidon on judgement day than it will be for you. 23[ref]Same with you, Capernaum. You won’t be lifted up to heaven but you’ll be sent down to hell, because if the miracles which were done in you had been done in Sodom, that city would still be here today. 24[ref]However, I’m telling you all that it will be more tolerable for the people of Sodom on judgement day than it will be for you.

11:25 Yeshua’s load is light

(Luke 10:21-22)

25At that time Yeshua said, “I am acknowledging you, father, master of the heaven and earth, that you hid these things from ‘wise’ and ‘intelligent’ people and revealed them to the ‘naive’. 26Yes father, because that was your desire.

27[ref]My father has given control of everything over to me, but no one really knows the son except the father, and no one really knows the father except the son and anyone who the son wants to tell about him.

28Come to me all of you who are tired and feel overloaded, and I’ll help you relax. 29[ref]You all can take on my workload and learn from me, because I’m gentle and humble and your souls will be able to relax 30because my workload is easy, and the load on your shoulders is just light.

11:7 We’ve left the original idiom here in the OET-RV as something to puzzle over, because no one now really knows what aspect of Yohan’s behaviour or appearance that Yeshua was referring to here.

11:5: a Isa 35:5-6; b Isa 61:1.

11:10: Mal 3:1.

11:12-13: Luk 16:16.

11:14: Mal 4:5; Mat 17:10-13; Mrk 9:11-13.

11:21: Isa 23:1-18; Eze 26:1–28:26; Yoel 3:4-8; Amos 1:9-10; Zech 9:2-4.

11:23: a Isa 14:13-15; b Gen 19:24-28.

11:24: Mat 10:15; Luk 10:12.

11:27: a Yhn 3:35; b Yhn 1:18; 10:15.

11:29: Jer 6:16.

