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Cvdl HEB Chapter 8

HEB 8 ©

8Of the thinges which we haue spoken, this is the pyth: We haue soch an hye prest, that is set on ye righte hande of the seate of maiestie in heaue: 2and is a mynister of holy thinges, and of the true Tabernacle, which God pitched, & not man. 3For euery hye prest is ordened to offre giftes and sacrifices: Wherfore it is of necessite, yt this man haue somwhat also to offer. 4For he were not a prest, yf he were vpon earth, where are prestes yt acordynge to the lawe 5offer giftes (which prestes serue vnto the ensample and shadowe of heauely thinges, euen as the answere of God was geuen vnto Moses, whan he was aboute to fynish the Tabernacle: Take hede (sayde he) that thou make all thinges acordinge to the patrone shewed the in the mount.) 6But now hath he optayned a more excellent office, in as moch as he is the mediatour of a better Testament, which was made for better promyses. 7For yf that first (Testament) had bene fautles, then shulde no place haue bene soughte for the secode. 8For in rebukynge the he sayeth: Beholde, the dayes wyll come (sayeth the LORDE) that I wyl fynish vpo the house of Israel, and vpon the house off Iuda, 9a new Testament: not as the Testament which I made with their fathers, in that daye whan I toke them by the handes, to lede them out of the londe of Egipte: for they contynued not in my Testament, and I regarded them not, sayeth the LORDE. 10For this is the Testament, that I wil make wt the house of Israell after those dayes, sayeth the LORDE. I wyl geue my lawes in their mynde, and in their hertes wyl I wryte them: And I wil be their God, and they shal be my people: 11and they shal not teach euery ma his neghboure, and euery man his brother, sayenge: knowe ye LORDE, for they shal knowe me from the leest to the most of them: 12for I wil be mercifull ouer their vnrighteousnesses: And on their synnes & on their iniquyties wyl I not thynke enymore. 13In that he sayeth: A new, he weereth out ye olde. Now yt which is worne out and waxed olde, is ready to vanish awaye

HEB 8 ©
