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UST MAT Chapter 17

MAT 17 ©

17Six days later, Jesus climbed up a tall mountain. He had Peter, James, and James’ younger brother John go with him. No one else was with them. 2Then, the three apprentices saw Jesus change how he appeared. His face became as radiant as the sun. His clothes became bright white. 3After that, Moses and Elijah, who were prophets from long ago, appeared to the three apprentices! These prophets were speaking to Jesus. 4Peter responded by saying to Jesus, “My Lord, it is appropriate for all of us to be here. If you want me to, I will build three shelters. You, Moses, and Elijah can each use one.” 5As Peter was talking, a radiant cloud covered all of them! Then God spoke from the cloud! He declared, “This man is my Son, the one whom I love dearly. What he does pleases me. Do what he says.” 6After the three apprentices heard that, they became extremely afraid. They kneeled down to worship God. 7Then Jesus came close to them. He touched them and told them, “Stand up! Stop being afraid!” 8When they looked up, the only person whom they saw was Jesus.

9While they were walking down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Do not tell anyone about what you just saw until I, the Son of Man, live again.” 10Then, those three apprentices asked Jesus, “The teachers of the Jewish law tell us that the prophet Elijah has to be here before the Messiah gets here. Are they right about that? We ask because we just saw the prophet Elijah.” 11Jesus replied, “They are right that the prophet Elijah has to be here and that he will make everything as it should be. 12Now here is what I want you to know: the prophet Elijah has been here already. However, people did not realize that it was Elijah. Instead, they treated him badly. Further, they are about to hurt me, the Son of Man, in similar ways.” 13After that, the three apprentices realized that Jesus was telling them that the person he called Elijah was John the Baptizer.

14When the four of them returned to the large group of people, a man came up to Jesus and bowed down in front of him. 15He said to Jesus, “My lord, please help my son! He is very sick and has seizures. He frequently falls into fires or bodies of water. 16I took him here to your apprentices in order that they might cure him. However, they were not able to do so.” 17Jesus responded, “You people who are alive right now do not believe or think properly. It is hard for me to live here with you. It is difficult for me to be patient with you.” Then he said to them, “Bring the man’s son here to me!” 18Then, Jesus commanded the demon who was controlling the man’s son to stop doing so. The demon obeyed and left him. At that very moment, Jesus cured the man’s son. 19Later, the apprentices came to Jesus when they were alone. They asked him, “Why could we not drive out that demon?” 20He answered, “You could not drive it out because you trust in God so little. Suppose that you trusted God even a little bit, as little as a tiny mustard seed. Then, you could tell the mountain we just walked down to go from one place to another, and it would do so. You could do anything! What I have said is true.”

21[fn] [Now you can only drive out this type of demon by praying and by not eating in order to please God.]” 22Sometime later, the apprentices met together in the region of Galilee. Jesus told them, “Soon somebody will help my enemies arrest me, the Son of Man. 23They will have people kill me. Then, during the third day after I died, God will make me alive again.” When they heard that, the apprentices became very sad.

24Later, Jesus and his apprentices went to the city of Capernaum. Some people who collected taxes for the temple came up to Peter. They asked him, “Your instructor pays the tax for the temple, right?” 25Peter answered, “Yes, he does pay it.” Then Peter went into the house where Jesus was staying. Before Peter could say anything, Jesus said to him, “Simon, tell me what you think. Who have to pay taxes to the kings who rule in this world? Do their own children have to pay taxes? Or do people whom the kings do not know have to pay taxes?” 26Peter replied, “People whom the kings do not know have to pay taxes.” Then Jesus said to him, “So then, the children of kings do not have to pay anything. That means that we do not have to pay anything either. 27However, we do not want to upset the people who collect taxes. So, go to the Sea of Galilee and prepare your fishing tools. Pick up the first fish that you capture. Look in its mouth, and you will see a silver coin that is worth about twice the tax. Take the coin to the people who collect taxes to pay for my tax and your tax.”

Some ancient manuscripts include verse 21.

MAT 17 ©
