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Wyc 2COR Chapter 3

2COR 3 ©

3Bigynnen we therfor eftsoone to preise vs silf? or whether we neden, as summen, pistlis of preisinge to you, or of you? 2Ye ben oure pistle, writun in oure hertis, which is knowun and red of alle men, 3and maad opyn, for ye ben the pistle of Crist mynystrid of vs, and writun, not with enke, but bi the spirit of the lyuynge God; not in stony tablis, but in fleischli tablis of herte. 4For we han such trist bi Crist to God; 5not that we ben sufficient to thenke ony thing of vs, as of vs, but oure sufficience is of God. 6Which also made vs able mynystris of the newe testament, not bi lettre, but bi spirit; for the lettre sleeth, but the spirit quykeneth. 7And if the mynystracioun of deth write bi lettris in stoonys was in glorie, so that the children of Israel myyten not biholde in to the face of Moises, for the glorie of his cheer, which is auoidid, 8hou schal not the mynystracioun of the spirit be more in glorie? 9For if the mynystracioun of dampnacioun was in glorie, myche more the mynysterie of riytwisnesse is plenteuouse in glorie. 10For nether that that was cleer was glorified in this part for the excellent glorie; and if that that is auoidid, 11was bi glorie, myche more that that dwellith stille is in glorie. 12Therfor we that han suche hope, vsen myche trist; 13and not as Moises leide a veil on his face, that the children of Israel schulden not biholde in to his face, which veil is auoidid. 14But the wittis of hem ben astonyed; for in to this dai the same veil in reding of the olde testament dwellith not schewid, for it is auoidid in Crist, but in to this dai, 15whanne Moises is red, the veil is put on her hertis. 16But whanne Israel schal be conuertid to God, the veil schal be don awei. 17And the spirit is the Lord; and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is fredom. 18And alle we that with open face seen the glorie of the Lord, ben transformed in to the same ymage, fro clerenesse in to clerenesse, as of the spirit of the Lord.

2COR 3 ©
