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Wyc 2COR Chapter 9

2COR 9 ©

9For of the mynystrie that is maad to hooli men, it is to me of plente to write to you. 2For Y knowe youre wille, for the which Y haue glorie of you anentis Macedonyes, for also Acaie is redi fro a yeer passid, and youre loue hath stirid ful manye. 3And we han sent britheren, that this thing that we glorien of you, be not auoidid in this parti, that as Y seide, ye be redi. 4Lest whanne Macedonyes comen with me, and fynden you vnredi, we be schamed, that we seien you not, in this substaunce. 5Therfor Y gesside necessarie to preie britheren, that thei come bifore to you, and make redi this bihiyt blessyng to be redi, so as blessing, and not as aueryce. 6For Y seie this thing, he that sowith scarseli, schal also repe scarseli; and he that sowith in blessyngis, schal `repe also of blessyngis. 7Ech man as he castide in his herte, not of heuynesse, or of nede; for God loueth a glad yyuere. 8And God is miyti to make al grace abounde in you, that ye in alle thingis euere more han al sufficience, and abounde in to al good werk; 9as it is writun, He delide abrood, he yaf to pore men, his riytwisnesse dwellith withouten ende. 10And he that mynystrith seed to the sowere, schal yyue also breed to ete, and he schal multiplie youre seed, and make myche the encreessingis of fruytis of youre riytwisnesse; 11that in alle thingis ye maad riche waxen plenteuouse in to al symplenesse, which worchith bi vs doing of thankingis to God. 12For the mynystrie of this office not oneli fillith tho thingis that failen to holi men, but also multiplieth many thankyngis to God, 13bi the preuyng of this mynystrie, which glorifien God in the obedience of youre knouleching in the gospel of Crist, and in symplenesse of comynycacioun in to hem and in to alle, 14and in the biseching of hem for you, that desiren you for the excellent grace of God in you. 15Y do thankyngis to God of the yifte of hym, that may not be teld.

2COR 9 ©
