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Greek root word (lemma) ‘ἀδικέω’ (adikeō)


This root form (lemma) ‘ἀδικέω’ is used in 21 different forms in the Greek originals: ἀδικήσαντος (V-PAA.GMS), ἀδικήσητε (V-SAA2..P), ἀδικήσωσιν (V-SAA3..P), ἀδικήσῃ (V-SAA3..S), ἀδικήσῃς (V-SAA2..S), ἀδικεῖσθε (V-IPP2..P), ἀδικεῖτε (V-IPA2..P), ἀδικηθέντος (V-PAP.GMS), ἀδικηθῇ (V-SAP3..S), ἀδικησάτω (V-MAA3..S), ἀδικούμενοι (V-PPP.NMP), ἀδικούμενον (V-PPP.AMS), ἀδικοῦσιν (V-IPA3..P), ἀδικῆσαι (V-NAA....), ἀδικῶ (V-IPA1..S), ἀδικῶν (V-PPA.NMS), ἠδίκηκα (V-IEA1..S), ἠδίκησέν (V-IAA3..S), ἠδίκησεν (V-IAA3..S), ἠδικήσαμεν (V-IAA1..P), ἠδικήσατε (V-IAA2..P).

It is glossed in 22 different ways: ‘are doing_wrong’, ‘being done_wrong’, ‘being wronged’, ‘having done_wrong’, ‘having_been done_wrong’, ‘may injure’, ‘may_be injured’, ‘to injure’, ‘I am doing_wrong’, ‘I have done_wrong’, ‘he did_wrong’, ‘him let do_wrong’, ‘they are injuring’, ‘they may injure’, ‘we did_wrong’, ‘you may injure’, ‘you_all are injuring’, ‘you_all are_being wronged’, ‘you_all may injure’, ‘you_all did_wrong’, ‘doing_wrong’, ‘injuring’.

Have 28 uses of Greek root word (lemma) ‘adikeō’ (verb) in the Greek originals

Mat 20:13ἀδικῶ (adikō) IPA1..S ‘said friend not I am doing_wrong to you not for a daʸnarion_coin’ SR GNT Mat 20:13 word 11

Luke 10:19ἀδικήσῃ (adikaʸsaʸ) SAA3..S ‘you_all by_no_means not may injure’ SR GNT Luke 10:19 word 28

Acts 7:24ἀδικούμενον (adikoumenon) PPP.AMS ‘and having seen one being wronged he retaliated and did’ SR GNT Acts 7:24 word 4

Acts 7:26ἀδικεῖτε (adikeite) IPA2..P ‘you_all are for_reason why you_all are injuring one_another’ SR GNT Acts 7:26 word 30

Acts 7:27ἀδικῶν (adikōn) PPA.NMS ‘the one but injuring your neighbor pushed_away’ SR GNT Acts 7:27 word 3

Acts 25:10ἠδίκηκα (aʸdikaʸka) IEA1..S ‘to_be_being judged to the Youdaiōns nothing I have done_wrong as also you’ SR GNT Acts 25:10 word 19

Acts 25:11ἀδικῶ (adikō) IPA1..S ‘if on_one_hand therefore I am doing_wrong and worthy of death’ SR GNT Acts 25:11 word 5

1Cor 6:7ἀδικεῖσθε (adikeisthe) IPP2..P ‘why not rather you_all are_being wronged for_reason why not’ SR GNT 1Cor 6:7 word 19

1Cor 6:8ἀδικεῖτε (adikeite) IPA2..P ‘but you_all are doing_wrong and are defrauding and’ SR GNT 1Cor 6:8 word 3

2Cor 7:2ἠδικήσαμεν (aʸdikaʸsamen) IAA1..P ‘have_room for us no_one we did_wrong no_one we corrupted no_one’ SR GNT 2Cor 7:2 word 4

2Cor 7:12ἀδικήσαντος (adikaʸsantos) PAA.GMS ‘not on_account the one having done_wrong nor on_account the one’ SR GNT 2Cor 7:12 word 10

2Cor 7:12ἀδικηθέντος (adikaʸthentos) PAP.GMS ‘nor on_account the one having_been done_wrong but on_account the thing’ SR GNT 2Cor 7:12 word 16

Gal 4:12ἠδικήσατε (aʸdikaʸsate) IAA2..P ‘of you_all nothing me you_all did_wrong’ SR GNT Gal 4:12 word 13

Col 3:25ἀδικῶν (adikōn) PPA.NMS ‘the one for doing_wrong will_be receiving_back what he did_wrong’ SR GNT Col 3:25 word 4

Col 3:25ἠδίκησεν (aʸdikaʸsen) IAA3..S ‘doing_wrong will_be receiving_back what he did_wrong and not there is’ SR GNT Col 3:25 word 8

Phm 1:18ἠδίκησέν (aʸdikaʸsen) IAA3..S ‘if but anything he did_wrong to you or is owing you’ SR GNT Phm 1:18 word 4

2Pet 2:13ἀδικούμενοι (adikoumenoi) PPP.NMP ‘being done_wrong as the wage of unrighteousness as gratification’ SR GNT 2Pet 2:13 word 1

Rev 2:11ἀδικηθῇ (adikaʸthaʸ) SAP3..S ‘overcoming by_no_means not may_be injured by the death’ SR GNT Rev 2:11 word 15

Rev 6:6ἀδικήσῃς (adikaʸsaʸs) SAA2..S ‘the wine not you may injure’ SR GNT Rev 6:6 word 29

Rev 7:2ἀδικῆσαι (adikaʸsai) NAA.... ‘to whom was given to them to injure the earth and’ SR GNT Rev 7:2 word 28

Rev 7:3ἀδικήσητε (adikaʸsaʸte) SAA2..P ‘saying not you_all may injure the earth neither’ SR GNT Rev 7:3 word 3

Rev 9:4ἀδικήσωσιν (adikaʸsōsin) SAA3..P ‘to them that neither they may injure the grass of the’ SR GNT Rev 9:4 word 7

Rev 9:10ἀδικῆσαι (adikaʸsai) NAA.... ‘the power of them to injure people for months five’ SR GNT Rev 9:10 word 22

Rev 9:19ἀδικοῦσιν (adikousin) IPA3..P ‘and with them they are injuring’ SR GNT Rev 9:19 word 40

Rev 11:5ἀδικῆσαι (adikaʸsai) NAA.... ‘anyone them is wanting to injure fire is going_out of’ SR GNT Rev 11:5 word 9

Rev 11:5ἀδικῆσαι (adikaʸsai) NAA.... ‘anyone may want them to injure thus it is fitting him’ SR GNT Rev 11:5 word 30

Rev 22:11ἀδικῶν (adikōn) PPA.NMS ‘the one doing_wrong him let do_wrong still and’ SR GNT Rev 22:11 word 2

Rev 22:11ἀδικησάτω (adikaʸsatō) MAA3..S ‘the one doing_wrong him let do_wrong still and the’ SR GNT Rev 22:11 word 3

Key: V=verb IAA1..P=indicative,aorist,active,1st person plural IAA2..P=indicative,aorist,active,2nd person plural IAA3..S=indicative,aorist,active,3rd person singular IEA1..S=indicative,perfect,active,1st person singular IPA1..S=indicative,present,active,1st person singular IPA2..P=indicative,present,active,2nd person plural IPA3..P=indicative,present,active,3rd person plural IPP2..P=indicative,present,passive,2nd person plural MAA3..S=imperative,aorist,active,3rd person singular NAA....=infinitive,aorist,active PAA.GMS=participle,aorist,active,genitive,masculine,singular PAP.GMS=participle,aorist,passive,genitive,masculine,singular PPA.NMS=participle,present,active,nominative,masculine,singular PPP.AMS=participle,present,passive,accusative,masculine,singular PPP.NMP=participle,present,passive,nominative,masculine,plural SAA2..P=subjunctive,aorist,active,2nd person plural SAA2..S=subjunctive,aorist,active,2nd person singular SAA3..P=subjunctive,aorist,active,3rd person plural SAA3..S=subjunctive,aorist,active,3rd person singular SAP3..S=subjunctive,aorist,passive,3rd person singular