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Open English Translation LUKE Chapter 10

LUKE 10 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

10:1 Yeshua sends out 72 people

10After all this, the master appointed seventy-two others and he sent them out in pairs to go ahead of him to every town and village that he would pass through. 2[ref]He told them, “There’s a large harvest ready, but there’s only a few workers. So ask the owner of the crop to send out more workers to help with his harvest. 3[ref]So get moving—see, I’m sending you out like lambs with wolves all around. 4Don’t take a wallet or backpack or spare sandals, and don’t greet people on the road.

5Whenever you’re welcomed into a home, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6And if there’s someone there worthy of peace[fn], then your peace will rest on that home, but if not, your peace will return to you. 7[ref]Then stay in that same house and eat and drink what they give you, because the worker is worthy of his compensation. Don’t be moving from house to house. 8Whenever you all go into some place and the locals accept you, then eat what they give you. 9Heal the sick there and tell them that God’s kingdom is near. 10[ref]But if you all go into some place and they don’t accept you, then go out to the roads and announce, 11[ref]‘We’re wiping off even the dust from your place that stuck to our footwear, however you all need to know anyway that God’s kingdom is near.’ 12[ref]I’m telling you that it will be more bearable for the people of Sodom in that day, than for the people in that place.

10And after, these things the master appointed seventy two others, and he_sent_out them each by_two before the_face of_him, into every city and place where he was_going to_be_coming.
2He_was_saying but to them:
On_one_hand the harvest great, on_the_other_hand the workers few.
Therefore be_besought of_the master of_the harvest, so_that workers he_may_throw_out into the harvest of_him.
3Be_going see, I_am_sending_ you_all _out as lambs in the_midst of_wolves.
4Be_bearing neither purse, nor knapsack, nor sandals, and you_all_may_greet no_one on the road.
5And whatever house wishfully you_all_may_come_in into, first be_saying:
Peace to_ the this _house.
6And if there may_be a_son of_peace, the peace of_you_all will_be_resting_on on it, but if not surely it_will_be_returning to you_all.
7And be_remaining in the_same the house, eating and drinking the things from them, because/for the worker is worthy of_the wage of_him.
Be_ not _moving from house to house.
8And into whatever wishfully city you_all_may_be_coming_in, and they_may_be_receiving you_all, be_eating the things being_set_before before_you_all.
9And be_healing the sick in it, and be_saying to_them, the kingdom of_ the _god /Has/_neared to you_all.
10But into whatever wishfully city you_all_may_come_in, and they _may_ not _be_receiving you_all, having_come_out into the roads of_it say, 11We_are_wiping_off to_you_all even the dust which having_been_joined_together to the feet to_us out_of the city of_you_all, however be_knowing this that the kingdom of_ the _god has_neared.
12I_am_saying to_you_all that will_be more_tolerable for_Sodoma/(Şədom) in the that, day, than the for_ that _city.

10:13 Those who ignore the good message

(Mat. 11:20-24)

13[ref]You won’t end well, Chorazin. And you won’t end well, Bethsaida. Because if the miracles that were done in your places had been done in Tyre and Tsidon, they would have turned around from disobeying God and shown their humility long ago 14hence it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Tsidon on judgement day than it will be for you all. 15[ref]And you, Capernaum, don’t think you’ll be heading up to heaven, because it’ll be down to hell for you.

16[ref]Anyone who listens to all of you, will be hearing from me, and anyone who rejects you all will be rejecting me, and anyone who rejects me is rejecting the one who sent me here.

13Woe to_you, Ⱪorazin.
Woe to_you, Baʸthsaida.
Because if the miracles and Sidōn/(Tsīdōn) were_become, which having_become in you_all in Turos/(Tsor), they_ would _repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes long_ago.
14However it_will_be more_tolerable for_Turos and Sidōn, in the judgment than for_you_all.
15And you, Kafarnaʼoum, you will_ not _be_being_exalted to heaven?
You_will_be_being_coming_down to Hadaʸs.
16The one hearing from_you_all, is_hearing from_me, and the one rejecting you_all, is_rejecting me, and the one rejecting me, is_rejecting the one having_sent_ me _out.

10:17 The return of the 72

17In time the seventy-two that had been sent out came back excited, saying, “Master, even the demons listened to us when we used your name and authority.”

18I saw Satan,” Yeshua replied, “when he fell out of heaven like lightning. 19[ref]Listen, I’ve given you all the authority to tread on snakes and scorpions and to overcome the enemy’s power, and nothing at all will be able to injure you. 20However, don’t get excited that the evil spirits obeyed you, but rather be happy that your names have been written down in the heavens.

17And the seventy two returned with joy saying:
master, even the demons is_being_subjected to_us in the name of_you.
18And he_said to_them:
I_was_observing the Satan/(Sāţān) having_fallen as lightning out_of the heaven.
19Behold, I_have_given to_you_all the authority which to_be_treading on serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of_the enemy, and nothing may_ not _injure you_all by_no_means.
20However in this be_ not _rejoicing that the spirits is_being_subjected to_you_all, but be_rejoicing that the names of_you_all has_been_inscribed in the heavens.

10:21 Yeshua’s happiness

(Mat. 11:25-27)

21At the same time, the holy spirit got Yeshua excited and he said, “I’m aware father, master of heaven and earth, that you’ve hidden these things away from those who’re intelligent and well-educated, and instead revealed them to infants. Yes, father, that was what you decided.

22[ref]Everything has been handed over to me by my father, and no one knows who the son is except for the father, and who the father is except for the son and those who the son decides to reveal him to.

23Then he turned to his apprentices and said discreetly, “Blessed are those who get to see what you all are seeing 24because I can tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you all are seeing, but they didn’t get to see what you’ve seen, nor to hear what you all have heard.

21In the_same the hour, he_exulted in_the the holy spirit and said:
I_am_confessing to_you, father, master of_ the _heaven and the earth, that you_hidden_away these things from the_wise and intelligent, and you_revealed them to_infants.
the father, because thus it_became good_pleasure before you.
22All things was_given_over to_me by the father of_me, and no_one is_knowing who is the son, except not/lest the father, and who is the father, except not/lest the son and to_whom if the son may_be_wishing to_reveal him.
23And having_been_turned to the apprentices/followers he_said by himself:
Blessed are the eyes the ones seeing what you_all_are_seeing.
24For/Because I_am_saying to_you_all that many prophets and kings wanted to_see what you_all are_seeing, and they_ not _saw, and to_hear what you_all_are_hearing, and they_ not _heard.

10:25 How to be a neighbour

25[ref]Then look, a lawyer stood us to test him, asking, “Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit eternal life?”

26Well, what’s written in the scriptures?” responded Yeshua. “How do you understand them?

27[ref]“You must love the master, your God, with all your heart and all your soul, and all your strength and all your mind,” he replied. “Also, you must love your neighbour as yourself.”

28[ref]You’ve answered correctly,” answered Yeshua, “so do that and you’ll live forever.

29But the lawyer wanted to justify his lifestyle, so he asked, “And who’s my neighbour?”

30Yeshua replied with this: “Once a man was walking downhill from Yerusalem to Yericho when a group of robbers who grabbed him and took everything including his clothes, then took off leaving him there wounded and half-dead. 31Then it so happened that a priest came down that same road, but when he saw him he continued past on the other side of the road. 32Similarly, a priestly worker (a Levite) arrived at that place and when he saw him he too passed by the on other side. 33[ref]Then a man from Samaria[fn] who was on a trip came across him, and when he saw him he felt sorry for him 34and went up to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring olive oil and wine on them, then put him on his own animal and to him to a roadhouse and looked after him. 35The next day he took out two coins and gave them to their host, instructing, ‘Look after this guy and if it costs more than this, I’ll reimburse you on my way back.’

36So which of those three do you think acted like the neighbour of the one attacked by robbers?

37“The one who cared for him,” replied the lawyer.

Then you go and do the same,Yeshua told him.

25And see, a_ certain _lawyer stood_up, testing him saying:
Teacher, having_done what, will_I_be_inheriting life eternal?
26And he said to him:
In the law what has_it_been_written?
How you_are_reading it?
27And he answering said:
You_will_be_loving the_master the god of_you, with all the_heart of_you, and with all the soul of_you, and with all the strength of_you, and with all the mind of_you, and:
The neighbor of_you as yourself.
28And he_said to_him:
You_answered correctly.
Be_doing this, and you_will_be_living.
29But he wanting to_justify himself, said to the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa):
And who is the_neighbor of_me?
30the Yaʸsous having_replied said:
A_ certain _man was_coming_down from Hierousalaʸm/(Yərūshālayim) to Yeriⱪō/(Yərīḩō), and he_fell_among among_robbers, who both having_stripped_ him _off, and having_inflicted wounds, they_went_away having_left him half_dead.
31And by coincidence a_ certain _priest was_coming_down on the that road, and having_seen him passed_by_opposite.
32And likewise also a_Leuitaʸs/(from_tribe_of_Lēvī) having_become to the place, having_come and having_seen passed_by_opposite.
33But a_ certain _from_Samareia/(Shomrōn) journeying came to him, and having_seen he_was_feeling_compassion 34and having_approached, he_bound_up the wounds of_him, pouring_on olive_oil and wine, and having_mounted him on his own mount, he_brought him to an_inn and was_taken_care of_him.
35And on next the day having_throw_out, he_gave two daʸnarion_coins to_the innkeeper, and said:
Be_taking_care of_him, and whatever anything wishfully you_may_additionally_spend, I on the way me to_be_returning I_will_be_giving_back to_you.
36Which of_these the three is_supposing to_you to_have_become a_neighbor, of_the one having_fallen_in among the robbers?
37And he said:
The one having_done the mercy with him.
And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) said to_him:
Be_going and you be_doing likewise.

10:38 Yeshua visits Martha and Maria

38[ref]When it was time to leave, Yeshua went into a village and there was a woman there named Martha who welcomed him in. 39She had a sister named Maria who was also sitting there on the floor by Yeshua’s feet listening to his teaching. 40But Martha kept getting pulled away to keep the household running, and after a while approached Yeshua and asked, “Master, doesn’t it bother you that my sister has left all the housework to me? Tell her to come and help me.”

41Martha, Martha,” Yeshua answered, “you are worried and concerned about many things, 42but only one thing really matters. Maria chose the best thing, and it won’t be taken away from her.

10:6 It’s not obvious what Yeshua is referring to here with ‘son of peace’.

10:33 The Judeans and the Samaritans despised each other and disagreed on many vital issues.

38And at the time them to_be_going, he came_in into a_ certain _village, and a_ a_certain _woman by_the_name Martha welcomed him, 39and to_this woman she_was a_sister being_called Maria/(Miryām), who also having_been_seated_beside at the feet the of_Yaʸsous, was_hearing the message of_him.
40But the Martha was_being_pulled_away about much service, and having_approached said:
master, not is_it_mattering to_you that the sister of_me left only me to_be_serving?
Therefore tell to_her that she_may_help with_me.
41But the master answering said to_her:
Martha, Martha, you_are_worrying and you_are_being_troubled about many things, 42but there_is need of_one, Maria chose for the good portion, which will_ not _be_being_taken_away from her.

LUKE 10 ©
