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Open English Translation ACTs Chapter 7

ACTs 7 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

7:1 Stephen’s history discourse and accusations

7Then the chief priest asked Stephen, “Is all this true?”

2[ref]And he replied, “My brothers and fathers, please listen. Our honoured God was seen by our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he moved to Haran 3and he told him, ‘Leave your land and your relatives, and go to the place that I will show you.’ 4[ref]So he left Chaldea and moved to Haran, and then after his father died, he moved again to this land where we now live. 5[ref]Abraham hadn’t received any land here as an inheritance, in fact he’d never been near this land and nor did he have any children, yet God promised to give this entire country to him and his descendants. 6[ref]And yet God also told him that his descendants would end up staying in another country where they would be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years. 7[ref]However God promised to punish the nation that enslaved them, and told him that in the end they would leave that place and serve him here in this country. 8[ref]And he contracted with Abraham about being circumcised, and so when Abraham had Isaac, he circumcised him on the eighth day, and then Isaac went on to have Yacob, and Yacob to have the twelve tribal leaders.

9[ref]Those brothers went on to become jealous of Yosef and sent him back into Egypt as a slave, but God was with him 10[ref]and rescued him out of all his troubles there. Then God gave him wisdom and caused him to gain the favour of Far’oh (Pharaoh), the king of Egypt, who then appointed him as the ruler of all Egypt and over Far’oh’s own household. 11[ref]Then a famine hit all Egypt and Canaan causing great distress and our ancestors were unable to find enough food. 12But Yacob heard that grain was available in Egypt, so first, he sent off our tribal leaders. 13[ref]On their second visit, Yosef revealed himself to them, and so Far’oh became aware of Yosef’s heritage. 14[ref]Then Yosef sent for his father Yacob and all the extended family—some seventy-five of them. 15[ref]So Yacob went to Egypt, where he and the twelve tribal leaders eventually died, 16[ref]although their bodies were moved to Shechem where they were put into the tomb that Abraham had bought from the sons of Hamor.

17[ref]But as the time limit promised to Abraham by God was getting closer, our people multiplied in Egypt 18until another Far’oh Far’oh (Pharaoh) ended up ruling there who had never known Yosef. 19[ref]He took advantage of us Jews and mistreated our ancestors, even forcing them apart from their own babies so they wouldn’t live. 20[ref]Mosheh was born during that time and God considered him beautiful. He spent three months in his own father’s house 21[ref]before being placed outside, from where Far’oh’s daughter took him and brought him up herself as her own son. 22So Mosheh was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was a powerful speaker and project leader.

23[ref]But when he hit forty, it entered his mind to visit his relatives, the Israelis. 24When he noticed one of them being mistreated, he retaliated and while defending the oppressed man, he struck and killed the Egyptian. 25He thought his relatives would understand that God was bringing salvation to them via him, but they didn’t see it that way. 26So on the following day when he saw two of them quarrelling, he tried to resolve the situation by saying, ‘Men, you’re all brothers. Why are you injuring each other?’ 27But the bullying one pushed him away and said, ‘Who made you the judge over us? 28Do you want to kill me like you killed that Egyptian yesterday?’ 29[ref]When he heard that, Mosheh fled Egypt and became an exile in Midian where he eventually had two sons.

30[ref]After another forty years, he was in the wilderness around Mount Sinai when he saw a messenger in the flame of a burning thorn bush. 31Mosheh was amazed at the vision when he saw it, so he approached the bush to look more closely when he heard Yahweh’s voice saying, 32‘I am the god of your ancestors—the god of Abraham and of Isaac and of Yacob.’ At that point, Mosheh started trembling and was scared to go any closer to look, 33but Yahweh said, ‘Take off your sandals, because the ground you’re standing on is dedicated to God. 34I have noticed the mistreatment of my people in Egypt and heard their groaning and so I came down to rescue them, so now I’m going to send you back to Egypt.’

35[ref]This was the same Mosheh that they had previously rejected and asked who had made him ruler and judge over them. Now God had indeed sent him as ruler and liberator by means of the messenger that he saw in the thorn bush. 36[ref]So eventually Mosheh led them out of Egypt after doing miracles and signs of God’s power there, and then also at the Red Sea and during the forty years in the wilderness. 37[ref]This same Mosheh told Israelis that in the future God would raise up another prophet like him from among them. 38[ref]Now Mosheh was the person that led the assembly of people in the wilderness, was spoken to by one of God’s messengers on Mt. Sinai, and one of our ancestors that received living messages to pass on to us.

39“Yet our ancestors didn’t want to obey that man, so they rejected him and started thinking about Egypt again, 40[ref]saying to Aaron, ‘Make some gods for us to lead us because we’ve got no idea what happened to that Mosheh who led us out of Egypt.’ 41[ref]So together they made a calf as an idol to bring sacrifices to, and they were pleased with what they’d achieved. 42[ref]But God turned and allowed them to serve the heavenly armies, just as the prophets wrote,

‘It wasn’t me that you Israelis sacrificed to for those forty years in the wilderness.

43You turned to Molech’s tent and Rephan’s star as your gods by making images of them to bow down to. So for that, I’ll send you all away into exile beyond Babylon.’

44[ref]The tent of evidence was with our ancestors in the wilderness—made to the pattern that God had shown Mosheh. 45[ref]Our ancestors then carried that tent into the land, having inherited it along with Joshua from the possession of the pagans which God drove out ahead of them. The tent remained there until the time of David 46[ref]who found favour with God and requested to find a tent for the house of Yacob, 47[ref]but it was Solomon who built the house for God to reside in.

48However the highest one doesn’t actually live in structures made by people, but as the prophet wrote,

49[ref]‘Heaven is my throne,

and the earth is where I place my feet.

How could you possibly build a suitable house for me?

50Wasn’t it me that created everything?’

51[ref]You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You’re always opposing the holy spirit just like your ancestors were. 52Which one of the prophets wasn’t persecuted by your ancestors? Even the ones that foretold the coming of the righteous one were killed off by them in just the same way that you yourselves became his betrayers and murderers! 53You had received the law under the direction of messengers, and yet you didn’t obey it.”

7And the chief_priest said:
- these things is_having thus?
2And he was_saying:
Men, brothers and fathers, hear me.
The god of_ the _glory was_seen by_ Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām) _the father of_us, him being in the Mesopotamia before or/than to_dwell inarran/(Ḩārān), 3and he_said to him:
Come_out from the land of_you and from the relatives of_you, and come into the land whichever I_will_be_showing wishfully to_you.
4Then having_come_out from the_land of_ones_from_aldia/(Kasddiy), he_dwelt inarran.
And_from_there after the time the father of_him to_die_off, he_removed him into the this land, in which you_all are_ now _dwelling.
5And not gave to_him an_inheritance in it, nor the_tribunal of_a_foot, but he_promised to_give to_him for a_possession it, and to_the descendants of_him after him, not being to_him a_child.
6But the god spoke thus that will_be the descendants of_him:
a_sojourner in anothers land, and they_will_be_enslaving it and they_will_be_mistreating it four_hundred years.
7But I the god will_be_judging the nation for_whichever if they_may_serve, said:
And after these things, they_will_be_coming_out and will_be_serving unto_me in the this place.
8And he_gave to_him the_covenant of_circumcision, and thus he_bore the Isaʼak/(Yiʦḩāq), and circumcised him on_the the eighth day, and Isaʼak bore the Yakōb/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ), and Twelve the Yakōb patriarchs.
9And the patriarchs having_been_jealous the of_Yōsaʸf/(Yōşēf), gave_back him into Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim), but the god was with him, 10and he_rescued him out_of all the tribulations of_him, and gave to_him favour and wisdom before Faraō/(Farˊoh), king of_Aiguptos, and he_appointed him leading one over Aiguptos, and over all the house of_him.
11And a_famine came on all the Aiguptos andanaʼan/(Kinaˊan), and great tribulation, and the fathers of_us were_ not _finding food.
12But Yakōb having_heard, being grain in Aiguptos, sent_away the fathers of_us first.
13And on the second time, Yōsaʸf was_made_known by_the brothers of_him, and the descent of_Yōsaʸf it_became manifest to_ the _Faraō.
14And Yōsaʸf having_sent_out, summoned Yakōb, the father of_him, and all the relatives, in seventy five souls.
15And Yakōb came_down into Aiguptos, and he and the fathers of_us died, 16and they_were_replaced to Suⱪem/(Shəkem), and they_were_put in the tomb, which Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām) purchased for_a_value of_silver from the sons of_Emmor/(Ḩₐmōr) in Suⱪem.
17But as the time of_the promise, which the god promised to_ the _Abraʼam was_nearing, the people grew and was_multiplied in Aiguptos, 18until of_which another king rose_up over Aiguptos, who had_ not _known the Yōsaʸf/(Yōşēf).
19He, having_taken_advantage of_the race of_us, mistreated the fathers which to_be_making the babies of_them abandoned, in_order that to_ not _be_being_kept_alive.
20In that time Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) was_born, and he_was beautiful to_ the _god, who was_brought_up three months in the house of_the father.
21And, having_been_set_out of_him the daughter of_Faraō/(Farˊoh) took_ him _away, and brought_ him _up for_herself for a_son.
22And Mōsaʸs was_instructed in in_all the_wisdom of_the_Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim)ians, and was powerful in the_messages and the_works of_him.
23But when a_ forty_year _time was_being_fulfilled to_him, went_up in the heart of_him to_visit the brothers of_him, the sons of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl).
24And having_seen one being_wronged, he_retaliated and did vengeance for_the one being_distressed, having_struck the from_Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim).
25And he_was_thinking the brothers to_be_understanding that the god by the_hand of_him is_giving salvation to_them, but they not understood.
26And on_the following day, he_was_seen to_them quarrelling, and he_was_reconciling them to peace, having_said:
Men, you_all_are brothers.
for_ Why _reason are_you_all_injuring one_another?
27But the one injuring your neighbor pushed_ him _away having_said:
Who appointed you ruler and judge over us?
28You are_ not _wanting to_kill me, which manner you_killed the from_Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim) yesterday?
29And Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) fled at the this statement:
and became a_sojourner in the_land of_Madiam/(Midyān), where he_bore two sons.
30And forty years having_been_fulfilled:
an_messenger was_seen to_him in the wilderness of_ the _Mount Sina/(Şīnay), in a_flame of_fire of_a_thorn_bush.
31And the Mōsaʸs having_seen it, marvelled at_the vision.
And him approaching to_observe it, there_became the_voice of_the_master:
32I am the god of_the fathers of_you, the god of_Abraʼam/(ʼAⱱrāhām), and of_Isaʼak/(Yiʦḩāq), and of_Yakōb/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ).
And Mōsaʸs having_become trembling, was_ not _daring to_observe.
33And the master said to_him:
Untie the sandal of_the feet of_you, because/for the place on which you_have_stood ground is holy.
34Having_seen, I_saw the mistreatment of_the people of_me which in Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim), and I_heard of_the groaning of_them, and I_came_down to_rescue them, And now come, I_may_send_ you _out to Aiguptos.
35This the Mōsaʸs, whom they_disowned having_said:
Who you appointed ruler and judge?
This man the god has_sent_out ruler and redeemer, with the_hand of_the_messenger which having_been_seen by_him in the thorn_bush.
36This man led_ them _out, having_done wonders and signs in the Aiguptos, and in the_Red Sea, and in the wilderness, because/forty years.
37This is the Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh) the man having_said to_the sons of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl):
- god will_be_raising_up A_prophet to_you_all, from the brothers of_you_all, like me.
38This is the man having_become in the assembly in the wilderness, with the messenger which speaking to_him on the Mount Sina/(Şīnay), and of_the fathers of_us, who received the_ living _oracles to_give to_you_all, 39to_whom the fathers of_us willed not to_become obedient, but they_pushed_away him and they_were_turned in the hearts of_them to Aiguptos, 40having_said to_ the _Aʼarōn/(ʼAhₐron):
Make for_us gods who will_be_going_before before_us.
For/Because the this Mōsaʸs, who led_out us from the_land of_Aiguptos/(Miʦrayim), we_have_ not _known what became to_him.
41And they_made_a_calf in the those days, and they_brought_up a_sacrifice to_the idol, and they_were_being_gladdened in the works of_the hands of_them.
42But the god turned, and gave_ them _over to_be_serving unto_the army of_ the _heaven, as it_has_been_written in scroll of_the prophets:
You_all_ not _offered victims and sacrifices to_me, because/forty years?
in the wilderness, house of_Israaʸl/(Yisrāʼēl)?
43And you_all_took_up the tent of_ the _Moloⱪ/(Molek), and the star of_ Ɽemfan _the god of_you_all, the images which you_all_made to_be_prostrating before_them.
And I_will_be_removing you_all beyond Babulōn/(Bāⱱel?
44The tent of_the testimony was with_the fathers of_us in the wilderness, as directed the one speaking to_ the _Mōsaʸs/(Mosheh), to_make it according_to the pattern that he_had_seen, 45which also the fathers of_us they_brought_in, having_inherited with Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) in the possession of_the nations, whom the god drove_out from the_face of_the fathers of_us, until the days of_Dawid/(Dāvid), 46who found favour before the god, and requested to_find a_tent for_the house of_Yakōb/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ).
47But Solomōn/(Shəlmoh) built the_house for_him.
48But the highest is_ not _dwelling in handmade houses, as the prophet is_saying, 49- heaven is a_throne to_me, and the the_earth is a_footstool of_the feet of_me.
What house you_all_will_be_building for_me?
The_master is_saying, or what place is of_the rest of_me?
50Not the hand of_me made all these things?
51Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in_hearts and the ears, you_all are_ always _opposing against_the the holy spirit, as are the fathers of_you_all, you_all also.
52Which of_the prophets the fathers of_you_all not persecuted?
And they_killed_off the ones having_foretold concerning the advent of_the righteous one, of_whom now you_all became betrayers and murderers.
53Who received the law in the_ordinance of_messengers, and not kept it.

7:54 Stephen’s lynching and death

54When they heard that, they were raging inside and grating their teeth at him. 55But being full of the holy spirit, Stephen stared up into the sky and was able to see God’s splendour, as well as seeing Yeshua standing there on God’s right. 56He said, “I can look through the sky that’s opened up and can see humanity’s child standing at God’s right side.”

57At this point, they blocked their ears and rushed together to grab Stephen, yelling loudly. 58They drove him out of the city and then started throwing rocks at him. His accusers left their cloaks in charge of a young man named Saul. 59As Stephen was being hit by the rocks, he called out, “Master Yeshua, receive my spirit.” 60Then falling to his knees, just before he died he called out loudly, “Master, don’t hold this sin against them.”

54And hearing these things, they_were_being_cut_through in_the hearts of_them, and they_were_grating their teeth at him.
55But being full of_the_ holy _spirit, having_looked_intently into the heaven, he_saw the_glory of_god, and Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_stood by the_right of_ the _god, 56and said:
Behold, I_am_observing the heavens having_been_opened_up, and the son of_ the _man having_stood by the_right of_ the _god.
57But having_cried_out with_a_ loud _voice, they_held the ears of_them, and they_rushed with_one_accord on him.
58And having_throw_out him out the city, they_were_stoning.
And the witnesses put_away the robes of_them, before the feet of_a_young_man being_named Saulos/(Shāʼūl).
59And they_were_stoning the Stefanos, who_calling and saying:
master Yaʸsous, receive the spirit of_me.
60And having_knelt on_his knees, he_cried_out with_a_ loud _voice:
master, you_may_ not _set this the sin to_them.
And having_said this, he_was_fallen_asleep.

ACTs 7 ©
