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CB PSA Chapter 5

PSA 5 ©

5Heare my wordes (o LORDE) considre my callynge. 2O marke the voyce of my peticion, my kynge & my God: for vnto the wil I make my prayer. 3Heare my voyce by tymes (o LORDE) for early in the morninge wil I gett me vnto the, yee & yt wt diligece. 4For thou art not the God yt hath pleasure in wickednesse, there maye no vngodly personne dwel with the. 5Soch as be cruell maye not stonde in thy sight, thou art an enemie vnto all wicked doers. Thou destroyest the lyers: the LORDE abhorreth the bloude thurstie and disceatfull. 6But as for me, I wil come in to thy house, euen vpon the multitude of thy mercy: ad in thy feare wyll I worshipe towarde thy holy teple. 7Lede me (o LORDE) in thy rightuousnesse, because of myne enemyes, ad make thy waye playne before me. 8For there is no faithfulnesse in their mouthes: they dyssemble in their hertes: 9their throte is an open sepulchre: with their tonges they disceaue. 10Punysh them (o God) that they maye perish in their owne ymaginacions: cast them out because of the multitude of their vngodlinesse, for they rebell agaynst the. 11Agayne, let all them that put their trust in the, reioyse: yee let them euer be geuynge of thankes, because thou defendest them: that they which loue thy name, maye be ioyfull in the. 12For thou LORDE geuest thy blessinge vnto the rightuous: and with thy fauorable kyndnes thou defendest him, as with a shylde.

PSA 5 ©
