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CB PSA Chapter 74

PSA 74 ©

74O God, wherfore doest thou cast vs so cleane awaye? why is yi wrath so hote agaynst ye shepe of yi pasture? 2O thynke vpon thy congregacion, whom thou hast purchased fro the begynnynge: 3the staff of thine inheritaunce, whom thou hast redemed, euen this hill of Sion wherin thou dwellest. 4Treade vpon them with thy fete, & cast them downe to the grounde, for the enemie hath destroyed alltogether in the Sactuary. 5Thy aduersaries roare in thy houses, & set vp their banners for tokens. 6Men maye se the axes glister aboue, like as those that hewe in the wod. 7They cutt downe all the sylinge worke of ye Sactuary wt bylles & axes. 8They haue set fyre vpon yi Sactuary they haue defiled ye dwellynge place of yi name, eue vnto the groude. 9Yee they saye in their hertes: Let vs spoyle the all together, thus haue they brent vp all the houses of God in the londe. 10We se oure tokens nomore, there is not one prophet more, no not one that vnderstondeth enymore. 11Oh God, how loge shal the aduersary do this dishonoure, how loge shal the enemie blaspheme thy name? foreuer? 12Why withdrawest thou thine honde? why pluckest thou not thy right hode out of thy bosome, to consume thine enemies? 13But God is my kynge of olde, the helpe that is done vpon earth he doth it himself. 14Thou denydest ye see thorow thy power, thou breakest the heades of the dragos in the waters. 15Thou smytest the heades of Leuiathan in peces, & geuest him to be meate for the people in the wildernesse. 16Thou dyggest vp welles & brokes, thou dryest vp mightie waters. 17The daye is thyne, & the night is thine: thou hast prepared the lightes & the Sonne. 18Thou hast set all ye borders of the earth thou hast made both Sommer & wynter. 19Remembre this (o LORDE) how the enemie rebuketh, & how the foolish people blaspheme thy name. 20O delyuer not the soule of thy turtle doue vnto the beestes, & forget not the congregacon of the poore for euer. 21Loke vpon the couenaunt, for the darcke houses of the earth are full of wickednesse. 22O let not the symple go awaye ashamed, for the poore & nedy geue prayses vnto thy name. 23Aryse (o God) & manteyne thine owne cause, remembre how the foolish ma blasphemeth the daylie. Forget not the voyce of thine enemies, for the presumpcion of them that hate the, increaseth euer more & more.

PSA 74 ©
