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CB PSA Chapter 27

PSA 27 ©

27The LORDE is my light and my health: whom then shulde I feare? the LORDE is the strength of my life, for whom the shulde I be afrayed? 2Therfore when the wicked (euen myne enemies & my foes) came vpon me, to eate vp my flesh, they stombled and fell. 3Though an hoost of men were layed agaynst me, yet shal not my hert be afrayed: and though there rose vp warre against me, yet wil I put my trust in him. 4One thinge haue I desyred of the LORDE, which I wil requyre: namely, that I maye dwell in the house of the LORDE all the dayes of my life, to beholde the fayre beutie of the LORDE, and to vyset his temple. 5For in the tyme of trouble he hath hyd me in his tabernacle, yee in the secrete place of his dwellinge hath he kepte and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone. 6And now hath he lift vp my heade aboue myne enemies, that copassed me rounde aboute. 7Therfore wil I offre in his dwellinge, the oblacion of thakesgeuynge: I wil both synge & speake prayses vnto the LORDE. 8Herke vnto my voyce (O LORDE) when I crie vnto the: haue mercy vpon me & heare me. 9My hert speaketh vnto the, my face seketh the, yee LORDE, thy face wil I seke. O hyde not thou thy face fro me, cast not thy seruaunt of in displeasure. 10Thou art my succoure, leaue me not, nether forsake me, O God my Sauioure. 11For my father and my mother haue forsaken me, but the LORDE hath taken me vp. Shewe me thy waye O LORDE, and lede me in the right path, because of myne enemies. 12Delyuer me not into the wylles of myne aduersaries, for there are false wytnesses rysen vp against me, and they ymagyn myschefe. 13Neuerthelesse, I beleue verely to se the goodnesse of the LORDE in the londe of the lyuynge. 14O tary thou ye LORDES leysure, be stronge, let thine hert be of good comforte, and wayte thou still for the LORDE.

PSA 27 ©
