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Wyc HOS Chapter 13

HOS 13 ©

13For Effraym spak, hidousnesse assailide Israel; and he trespasside in Baal, and was deed. 2And now thei addiden to do synne, and maden to hem a yotun ymage of her siluer, as the licnesse of idols; al is the makyng of crafti men. To these thei seien, A! ye men, offre, and worschipe caluys. 3Therfor thei schulen be as a morewtid cloude, and as the deew of morewtid, that passith forth, as dust rauyschide bi whirlewynd fro the corn floor, and as smoke of a chymenei. 4Forsothe Y am thi Lord God, `that ledde thee fro the loond of Egipt; and thou schalt not knowe God, outakun me, and no sauyour is, outakun me. 5Y knewe thee in the desert, in the lond of wildirnesse. 6Bi her lesewis thei weren fillid, and hadden abundaunce; thei reisiden her herte, and foryaten me. 7And Y schal be as a lionesse to hem, as a parde in the weye of Assiriens. 8Y as a femal bere, whanne the whelps ben rauyschid, schal mete hem; and schal al to-breke the ynnere thingis of the mawe of hem. And Y as a lioun schal waaste hem there; a beeste of the feeld schal al to-rende hem. 9Israel, thi perdicioun is of thee; thin help is oneli of me. 10Where is thi kyng? moost saue he thee now in alle thi citees; and where ben thi iugis, of whiche thou seidist, Yyue thou to me a kyng, and princes? 11Y schal yyue to thee a kyng in my strong veniaunce, and Y schal take awei in myn indignacioun. 12The wickidnesse of Effraym is boundun togidere; his synne is hid. 13The sorewis of a womman trauelynge of child schulen come to hym; he is a sone not wijs. For now he schal not stonde in the defoulyng of sones. 14Y schal delyuere hem fro the hoond of deeth, and Y schal ayenbie hem fro deth. Thou deth, Y schal be thi deth; thou helle, Y schal be thi mussel. 15Coumfort is hid fro myn iyen, for he schal departe bitwixe britheren. The Lord schal brynge a brennynge wynd, stiynge fro desert; and it schal make drie the veynes therof, and it schal make desolat the welle therof; and he schal rauysche the tresour of ech desirable vessel.

HOS 13 ©
