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Wyc ISA Chapter 17

ISA 17 ©

17The birthun of Damask. Lo! Damask schal faile to be a citee, and it schal be as an heep of stoonys in fallyng. 2The forsakun citees of Aroer schulen be to flockis; and tho schulen reste there, and noon schal be that schal make aferd. 3And help schal ceesse fro Effraym, and a rewme fro Damask; and the relifs of Sirie schulen be as the glorie of the sones of Israel, seith the Lord of oostis. 4And it schal be, in that dai the glorie of Jacob schal be maad thinne, and the fatnesse of his fleisch shal fade. 5And it schal be as gaderyng togidere that that is left in heruest, and his arm schal gadere eeris of corn, and it schal be as sekynge eeris of corn in the valei of Raphaym. 6And there schal be left in it as a rasyn, and as the schakyng doun of the fruyt of olyue tre, as of tweyne ether of thre olyue trees in the hiynesse of a braunche, ether of foure ether of fyue; in the cooppis therof schal be the fruyt therof, seith the Lord God of Israel. 7In that dai a man schal be bowid to his maker, and hise iyen schulen biholde to the hooli of Israel. 8And he schal not be bowid to the auteris, whiche hise hondis maden, and whiche hise fyngris wrouyten; he schal not biholde wodis, and templis of idols. 9In that dai the citees of strengthe therof schulen be forsakun as plowis, and cornes that weren forsakun of the face of the sones of Israel; and thou schalt be forsakun. 10For thou hast foryete God, thi sauyour, and haddist not mynde on thi stronge helpere; therfor thou schalt plaunte a feithful plauntyng, and thou schalt sowe an alien seed. 11In the dai of thi plauntyng schal be a wielde vyne, and erli thi seed schal floure; ripe corne is takun awei in the dai of eritage, and Israel schal make sorewe greuousli. 12Wo to the multitude of many puplis, as the multitude of the see sownynge, and the noise of cumpenyes as the sown of many watris. 13Puplis schulen sowne as the sown of flowynge watris, and God schal blame hym; and he schal fle fer, and he schal be rauyschid as the dust of hillis fro the face of the wynd, and as a whirlewynd bifor tempest. 14In the time of euentide, and lo! disturbling; in the morewtid, and he schal not abide. This is the part of hem that destrieden vs, and the part of hem that rauyschiden vs.

ISA 17 ©
