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KJB-1611 by section PSA 133:0

PSA 133:0–133:3 ©

Psalmes 133

0The benefite of the communion of Saints.

[fn][A song of degrees of Dauid.

CXXXIII¶ Behold how good and how pleasant it is: for brethren to dwell together in vnitie. 2It is like the precious oyntment vpon the head, that ranne downe vpon the beard, euen Aarons beard: that went downe to the skirts of his garments. 3As the dew of Hermon, and as the dewe that descended vpon the mountaines of Zion, for there the LORD commanded the blessing: euen life for euermore.

133:1 Heb. euen together.

PSA 133:0–133:3 ©
