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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 48

PSA 48 ©

0The Ornaments and priuiledges of the Church.

¶ A song, and Psalme for the sonnes of Korah.

XLVIII¶ Great is the LORD, and greatly to bee praised in the citie of our God, in the mountaine of his holinesse. 2Beautifull for situation, the ioy of the whole earth is moūt Sion, on the sides of the North, the citie of the great King. 3God is knowen in her palaces for a refuge. 4For loe, the kings were assembled: they passed by together. 5They sawe it, and so they marueiled, they were troubled and hasted away. 6Feare tooke holde vpon them there, and paine, as of a woman in trauaile. 7Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an East wind. 8As we haue heard, so haue wee seene in the citie of the LORD of hosts, in the citie of our God, God will establish it for euer. Selah, 9Wee haue thought of thy louing kindnesse, O God, in the middest of thy Temple. 10According to thy Name, O God, so is thy praise vnto the endes of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteousnesse. 11Let mount Sion reioyce, let the daughters of Iudah be glad, because of thy iudgements. 12Walke about Sion, and goe round about her: tell the towres thereof. 13[fn][fn]Marke yee well her bulwarkes, consider her palaces; that yee may tell it to the generation following. 14For this God is our God for euer, and euer; he will be our guide euen vnto death.

48:13 Heb. set your heart to her bulwarkes.

48:13 Or, raise vp.

PSA 48 ©
