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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 121

PSA 121 ©

01 The great safety of the godly, who put their trust in Gods protection.

[fn][A song of degrees.

CXXI¶ I will lift vp mine eyes vnto the hilles: from whence commeth my helpe. 2[fn]My helpe commeth from the LORD: which made heauen and earth. 3He will not suffer thy foote to bee moued: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4Behold, he that keepeth Israel; shall neither slumber nor sleepe. 5The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade, vpon thy right hand. 6The sunne shall not smite thee by day; nor the moone by night. 7The LORD shall preserue thee from all euill: hee shall preserue thy soule. 8The LORD shall preserue thy going out, and thy comming in: from this time foorth and euen for euermore.

121:1 Or, shall I lift vp mine eies to the hils? whence should my helpe come?

121:2 Psal. 144.7.

PSA 121 ©
