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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 41

PSA 41 ©

01 Gods care of the poore. 4 Dauid complaineth of his enemies trecherie. 10 He flyeth to God for succour.

[fn][fn][To the chiefe Musician. A Psalme of Dauid.

XLI¶ Blessed is he that considereth the poore; the LORD will deliuer him in time of trouble. 2[fn]The LORD will preserue him, and keepe him aliue, and he shall be blessed vpon the earth; and thou wilt not deliuer him vnto the will of his enemies. 3[fn]The LORD will strengthen him vpon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sicknesse. 4I sayd, LORD be mercifull vnto me, heale my soule, for I haue sinned against thee. 5Mine enemies speake euill of me: when shall hee die, and his name perish? 6And if hee come to see me, he speaketh vanity: his heart gathereth iniquitie to it selfe, when he goeth abroad, he telleth it. 7[fn]All that hate me, whisper together against me; against me doe they deuise my hurt. 8[fn]An euill disease, say they, cleaueth fast vnto him; and now that he lyeth, he shall rise vp no more. 9[fn][fn][fn]Yea mine owne familiar friend in whom I trusted, which did eate of my bread, hath lift vp his heele against me. 10But thou, O LORD, be mercifull vnto mee, and raise me vp that I may requite them. 11By this I know that thou fauourest me: because mine enemie doeth not triumph ouer me. 12And as for me, thou vpholdest me in mine integritie; and settest me before thy face for euer. 13Blessed bee the LORD God of Israel, from euerlasting, and to euerlasting. Amen, and Amen.

41:1 Or, the weake, or sicke.

41:1 Heb. in the day of euill.

41:2 Or, doe not thou deliuer.

41:3 Heb. turne.

41:7 Heb. euill to me.

41:8 Heb. a thing of Belial.

41:9 Ioh.13.18

41:9 Heb. the man of my peace.

41:9 Heb. magnified.

PSA 41 ©
