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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 15

PSA 15 ©

0Dauid describeth a citizen of Sion.

[fn][fn][A Psalme of Dauid.

XVLORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? 2[fn]Hee that walketh vprightly, and worketh righteousnesse, and speaketh the trueth in his heart. 3[fn]Hee that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doth euill to his neighbour, nor taketh vp a reproach against his neighbour. 4In whose eies a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that feare the LORD: he that sweareth to his owne hurt, and changeth not. 5[fn]He that putteth not out his money to vsury, nor taketh reward against the innocent: he that doth these things, shall neuer be moued.

15:1 Psal. 24. 1 &c.

15:1 Heb. soiourne.

15:2 Esa.33.15.

15:3 Or, receiueth, or endureth.

15:5 Exod. 22, 24 Leuit.25. 36. Deu.23.19. Ezech.22.12. & 18.8.

PSA 15 ©
