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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 145

PSA 145 ©

01 Dauid praiseth God for his fame, 8 For his goodnes, 11 For his kingdome, 14 For his prouidence, 17 For his sauing mercie.

¶ Dauids Psalme of praise.

CXLV¶ I will extoll thee, my God, O King: and I will blesse thy name for euer and euer. 2Euery day wil I blesse thee: and I will praise thy Name for euer and euer. 3[fn]Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised: and his greatnes is vnsearchable. 4One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shal declare thy mightie actes. 5[fn]I will speake of the glorious honour of thy maiestie: and of thy wonderous workes. 6[fn]And men shall speake of the might of thy terrible acts: and I wil declare thy greatnesse. 7They shall abundantly vtter the memory of thy great goodnesse: and shall sing of thy righteousnesse. 8[fn][fn]The LORD is gracious and full of compassion: slow to anger, and of great mercy. 9The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are ouer all his workes. 10All thy workes shall praise thee, O LORD: and thy Saints shal blesse thee. 11They shall speake of the glory of thy kingdome: and talke of thy power. 12To make knowen to the sonnes of men his mightie actes: and the glorious Maiestie of his kingdome. 13[fn]Thy kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome: and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations. 14The LORD vpholdeth all that fall: and raiseth vp all those that bee bowed downe. 15[fn]The eyes of all waite vpon thee: and thou giuest them their meat in due season. 16Thou openest thine hand: and satisfiest the desire of euery liuing thing. 17[fn]The LORD is righteous in all his wayes: and holy in all his works. 18The LORD is nigh vnto all them that call vpon him: to all that call vpon him in trueth. 19Hee will fulfill the desire of them that feare him: he also will heare their cry, and will saue them. 20The LORD preserueth all them that loue him: but all the wicked will he destroy. 21My mouth shall speake the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh blesse his holy Name for euer and euer.

145:3 Heb. and of his greatnesse there is no search.

145:5 Heb. things or words.

145:6 Heb. declare it.

145:8 Exod.34.6,7. num. 14. 18. psal. 86.5,15. and 103.8.

145:8 Heb. great in mercie.

145:13 Hebr. a kingdome of all ages.

145:15 Or, looke vnto thee.

145:17 Or, mercifull, or bountifull.

PSA 145 ©
