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KJB-1611 PSA Chapter 148

PSA 148 ©

01 The Psalmist exhorteth the celestiall, 7 The terrestriall, 11 And the rationall creatures to praise God. CXLVIII[fn]Praise yee the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heauens: praise him in the heights. 2Praise yee him all his Angels: praise ye him all his hosts. 3Praise ye him Sunne and Moone: praise him all ye starres of light. 4Praise him ye heauens of heauens: and ye waters that be aboue the heauens. 5Let them praise the Name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created. 6Hee hath also stablished them for euer and euer: he hath made a decree which shall not passe. 7Praise the LORD from the earth: ye dragons and all deepes. 8Fire and haile, snow and vapour: stormie wind fulfilling his word. 9Mountaines and all hilles: fruitfull trees, and all cedars. 10[fn]Beastes and all cattell: creeping things, and flying foule. 11Kings of the earth, and all people: Princes, and all Iudges of the earth. 12Both young men and maidens: olde men and children. 13[fn]Let them praise the Name of the LORD, for his Name alone is excellent: his glory is aboue the earth and heauen. 14Hee also exalteth the horne of his people, the praise of all his Saints; euen of the children of Israel, a people neere vnto him. Praise ye the LORD.

148:1 Heb. Halleluiah.

148:10 Heb. birds of wing.

148:13 Heb. exalted.

PSA 148 ©
