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Wyc PSA Chapter 27

PSA 27 ©

27The title of the seuen and twentithe salm. To Dauid. Lord, Y schal crye to thee; my God, be thou not stille fro me, be thou not stille `ony tyme fro me; and Y schal be maad lijk to hem, that goen doun in to the lake. 2Lord, here thou the vois of my bisechyng, while Y preie to thee; whyle Y reise myn hondis to thin hooli temple. 3Bitake thou not me togidere with synneris; and leese thou not me with hem that worchen wickidnesse. Whyche speken pees with her neiybore; but yuels ben in her hertis. 4Yyue thou to hem vpe the werkis of hem; and vpe the wickidnesse of her fyndyngis. Yyue thou to hem vpe the werkis of her hondis; yelde thou her yeldyng to hem. 5For thei vndurstoden not the werkis of the Lord, and bi the werkis of hise hondis thou schalt destrie hem; and thou schalt not bilde hem. 6Blissid be the Lord; for he herde the vois of my bisechyng. 7The Lord is myn helpere and my defendere; and myn herte hopide in hym, and Y am helpid. And my fleisch flouride ayen; and of my wille Y schal knowleche to hym. 8The Lord is the strengthe of his puple; and he is defendere of the sauyngis of his crist. 9Lord, make thou saaf thi puple, and blesse thou thin eritage; and reule thou hem, and enhaunse thou hem til in to with outen ende.

PSA 27 ©
