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Wyc PSA Chapter 36

PSA 36 ©

36The title of the sixe and thrittithe salm. To Dauith. Nile thou sue wickid men; nether loue thou men doynge wickidnesse. 2For thei schulen wexe drie swiftli as hey; and thei schulen falle doun soone as the wortis of eerbis. 3Hope thou in the Lord, and do thou goodnesse; and enhabite thou the lond, and thou schalt be fed with hise richessis. 4Delite thou in the Lord; and he schal yyue to thee the axyngis of thin herte. 5Schewe thi weie to the Lord; and hope thou in hym, and he schal do. 6And he schal lede out thi riytfulnesse as liyt, and thi doom as myddai; 7be thou suget to the Lord, and preye thou hym. Nile thou sue hym, that hath prosperite in his weie; a man doynge vnriytfulnessis. 8Ceese thou of ire, and forsake woodnesse; nyle thou sue, that thou do wickidli. 9For thei, that doen wickidli, schulen be distried; but thei that suffren the Lord, schulen enerite the lond. 10And yit a litil, and a synnere schal not be; and thou schalt seke his place, and schalt not fynde. 11But mylde men schulen enerite the lond; and schulen delite in the multitude of pees. 12A synnere schal aspie a riytful man; and he schal gnaste with hise teeth on hym. 13But the Lord schal scorne the synnere; for he biholdith that his day cometh. 14Synners drowen out swerd; thei benten her bouwe. To disseyue a pore man and nedi; to strangle riytful men of herte. 15Her swerd entre in to the herte of hem silf; and her bouwe be brokun. 16Betere is a litil thing to a iust man; than many richessis of synneris. 17For the armes of synneris schal be al to-brokun; but the Lord confermeth iust men. 18The Lord knowith the daies of vnwemmed; and her heritage schal be withouten ende. 19Thei schulen not be schent in the yuel tyme, and thei schulen be fillid in the dayes of hungur; 20for synneris schulen perische. Forsothe anoon as the enemyes of the Lord ben onourid, and enhaunsid; thei failynge schulen faile as smoke. 21A synnere schal borewe, and schal not paie; but a iust man hath merci, and schal yyue. 22For thei that blessen the Lord schulen enerite the lond; but thei that cursen hym schulen perische. 23The goyng of a man schal be dressid anentis the Lord; and he schal wilne his weie. 24Whanne he fallith, he schal not be hurtlid doun; for the Lord vndursettith his hond. 25I was yongere, and sotheli Y wexide eld, and Y siy not a iust man forsakun; nethir his seed sekynge breed. 26Al dai he hath merci, and leeneth; and his seed schal be in blessyng. 27Bouwe thou awei fro yuel, and do good; and dwelle thou in to the world of world. 28For the Lord loueth doom, and schal not forsake hise seyntis; thei schulen be kept with outen ende. Vniust men schulen be punyschid; and the seed of wickid men schal perische. 29But iust men schulen enerite the lond; and schulen enabite theronne in to the world of world. 30The mouth of a iust man schal bithenke wisdom; and his tunge schal speke doom. 31The lawe of his God is in his herte; and hise steppis schulen not be disseyued. 32A synnere biholdith a iust man; and sekith to sle hym. 33But the Lord schal not forsake hym in hise hondis; nethir schal dampne hym, whanne it schal be demed ayens hym. 34Abide thou the Lord, and kepe thou his weie, and he schal enhaunse thee, that bi eritage thou take the lond; whanne synneris schulen perische, thou schalt se. 35I siy a wickid man enhaunsid aboue; and reisid vp as the cedris of Liban. 36And Y passide, and lo! he was not; Y souyte hym, and his place is not foundun. 37Kepe thou innocence, and se equite; for tho ben relikis to a pesible man. 38Forsothe vniust men schulen perische; the relifs of wickid men schulen perische togidere. 39But the helthe of iust men is of the Lord; and he is her defendere in the tyme of tribulacioun. 40And the Lord schal helpe hem, and schal make hem fre, and he schal delyuere hem fro synneris; and he schal saue hem, for thei hopiden in hym.

PSA 36 ©
