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Wyc PSA Chapter 44

PSA 44 ©

44The title of the foure and fourtithe salm. To the ouercomere for the lilies, the most loued song of lernyng of the sones of Chore. 2Myn herte hath teld out a good word; Y seie my workis `to the kyng. Mi tunge is `a penne of a writere; writynge swiftli. 3Crist, thou art fairer in schap than the sones of men; grace is spred abrood in thi lippis; therfor God blessid thee withouten ende. 4Be thou gird with thi swerd; on thi hipe most myytili. 5Biholde thou in thi schaplynesse and thi fairnesse; come thou forth with prosperite, and regne thou. For treuthe, and myldenesse, and riytfulnesse; and thi riyt hond schal lede forth thee wondurfuli. 6Thi scharpe arowis schulen falle in to the hertis of the enemyes of the kyng; puplis schulen be vndur thee. 7God, thi seete is in to the world of world; the yerde of thi rewme is a yerde of riyt reulyng, `ethir of equite. 8Thou louedist riytfulnesse, and hatidist wickidnesse; therfor thou, God, thi God, anoyntide thee with the oile of gladnesse, more than thi felowis. 9Mirre, and gumme, and cassia, of thi clothis, of the `housis yuer; 10of whiche the douytris of kyngis delitiden thee. A queen stood nyy on thi riyt side in clothing ouergildid; cumpassid with dyuersitee. 11Douyter, here thou, and se, and bowe doun thin eere; and foryete thi puple, and the hows of thi fadir. 12And the kyng schal coueyte thi fairnesse; for he is thi Lord God, and thei schulen worschipe hym. 13And the douytris of Tire in yiftis; alle the riche men of the puple schulen biseche thi cheer. 14Al the glorye of that douyter of the kyng is with ynne in goldun hemmes; 15sche is clothid aboute with dyuersitees. Virgyns schulen be brouyt to the kyng aftir hir; hir neiyboressis schulen be brouyt to thee. 16Thei schulen be brouyt in gladnesse, and ful out ioiyng; thei schulen be brouyt in to the temple of the kyng. 17Sones ben borun to thee, for thi fadris; thou schalt ordeyne hem princes on al erthe. 18Lord, thei schulen be myndeful of thi name; in ech generacioun, and in to generacioun. Therfor puplis schulen knouleche to thee withouten ende; and in to the world of world.

PSA 44 ©
