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Wyc PSA Chapter 55

PSA 55 ©

55The title of the fyue and fiftithe salm. `In Ebreu thus, To the ouercomyng on the doumb culuer of fer drawing awei, the comely song of Dauid, whanne Filisteis helden hym in Geth. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer for the doumb culuer, for it yede awei fer. Dauid meke and symple made this salm, whanne Palesteyns helden hym in Geth. 2God, haue thou merci on me, for a man hath defoulid me; al dai he impugnyde, and troublide me. 3Myn enemyes defouliden me al dai; for manye fiyteris weren ayens me. 4Of the hiynesse of dai Y schal drede; but God Y schal hope in thee. 5In God Y schal preise my wordis; Y hopide in God, Y schal not drede what thing fleisch schal do to me. 6Al dai thei cursiden my wordis; ayens me alle her thouytis weren in to yuel. 7Thei schulen dwelle, and schulen hide; thei schulen aspie myn heele. 8As thei abiden my lijf, for nouyt schalt thou make hem saaf; in ire thou schalt breke togidre puplis. 9God, Y schewide my lijf to thee; thou hast set my teeris in thi siyt. As and in thi biheest, Lord; 10thanne myn enemyes schulen be turned abak. In what euere dai Y schal inwardli clepe thee; lo! Y haue knowe, that thou art my God. 11In God Y schal preise a word; in the Lord Y schal preyse a word. Y schal hope in God; Y schal not drede what thing a man schal do to me. 12God, thin auowis ben in me; whiche Y schal yelde heriyngis to thee. 13For thou hast delyuerid my lijf fro deth, and my feet fro slidyng; that Y pleese bifore God in the liyt of hem that lyuen.

PSA 55 ©
