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Wyc PSA Chapter 85

PSA 85 ©

85The `title of the fyue and eiytetithe salm. The preier of Dauid. Lord, bowe doun thin eere, and here me; for Y am nedi and pore. 2Kepe thou my lijf, for Y am holi; my God, make thou saaf thi seruaunt hopynge in thee. 3Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y criede al day to thee; 4make thou glad the soule of thi seruaunt, for whi, Lord, Y haue reisid my soule to thee. 5For thou, Lord, art swete and mylde; and of myche merci to alle men inwardli clepynge thee. 6Lord, perseyue thou my preier with eeris; and yyue thou tente to the vois of my bisechyng. 7In the dai of my tribulacioun Y criede to thee; for thou herdist me. 8Lord, noon among goddis is lijk thee; and noon is euene to thi werkis. 9Lord, alle folkis, whiche euere thou madist, schulen come, and worschipe bifore thee; and thei schulen glorifie thi name. 10For thou art ful greet, and makinge merueils; thou art God aloone. 11Lord, lede thou me forth in thi weie, and Y schal entre in thi treuthe; myn herte be glad, that it drede thi name. 12Mi Lord God, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; and Y schal glorifie thi name withouten ende. 13For thi merci is greet on me; and thou deliueridist my soule fro the lower helle. 14God, wickid men han rise vp on me; and the synagoge of myyti men han souyt my lijf; and thei han not set forth thee in her siyt. 15And thou, Lord God, doynge merci, and merciful; pacient, and of myche merci, and sothefast. 16Biholde on me, and haue mercy on me, yyue thou the empire to thi child; and make thou saaf the sone of thin handmayden. 17Make thou with me a signe in good, that thei se, that haten me, and be aschamed; for thou, Lord, hast helpid me, and hast coumfortid me.

PSA 85 ©
