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Wyc PSA Chapter 77

PSA 77 ©

77The `title of the seuene and seuentithe salm. The lernyng of Asaph. Mi puple, perseyue ye my lawe; bowe youre eere in to the wordis of my mouth. 2I schal opene my mouth in parablis; Y schal speke perfite resouns fro the bigynnyng. 3Hou grete thingis han we herd, aud we han knowe tho; and oure fadris. telden to vs. 4Tho ben not hid fro the sones of hem; in anothir generacioun. And thei telden the heriyngis of the Lord, and the vertues of hym; and hise merueilis, whyche he dide. 5And he reiside witnessyng in Jacob; and he settide lawe in Israel. Hou grete thingis comaundide he to oure fadris, to make tho knowun to her sones; 6that another generacioun knowe. Sones, that schulen be born, and schulen rise vp; schulen telle out to her sones. 7That thei sette her hope in God, and foryete not the werkis of God; and that thei seke hise comaundementis. 8Lest thei be maad a schrewid generacioun; and terrynge to wraththe, as the fadris of hem. A generacioun that dresside not his herte; and his spirit was not bileued with God. 9The sones of Effraym, bendinge a bouwe and sendynge arowis; weren turned in the dai of batel. 10Thei kepten not the testament of God; and thei nolden go in his lawe. 11And thei foryaten hise benefices; and hise merueils, whiche he schewide to hem. 12He dide merueils bifore the fadris of hem in the loond of Egipt; in the feeld of Taphneos. 13He brak the see, and ledde hem thorou; and he ordeynede the watris as in a bouge. 14And he ledde hem forth in a cloude of the dai; and al niyt in the liytnyng of fier. 15He brak a stoon in deseert; and he yaf watir to hem as in a myche depthe. 16And he ledde watir out of the stoon; and he ledde forth watris as floodis. 17And thei `leiden to yit to do synne ayens hym; thei excitiden hiye God in to ire, in a place with out water. 18And thei temptiden God in her hertis; that thei axiden meetis to her lyues. 19And thei spaken yuel of God; thei seiden, Whether God may make redi a bord in desert? 20For he smoot a stoon, and watris flowiden; and streemys yeden out in aboundaunce. Whether also he may yyue breed; ether make redi a bord to his puple? 21Therfor the Lord herde, and delaiede; and fier was kindelid in Jacob, and the ire of God stiede on Israel. 22For thei bileueden not in God; nether hopiden in his heelthe. 23And he comaundide to the cloudis aboue; and he openyde the yatis of heuene. 24And he reynede to hem manna for to eete; and he yaf to hem breed of heuene. 25Man eet the breed of aungels; he sent to hem meetis in aboundance. 26He turnede ouere the south wynde fro heuene; and he brouyte in bi his vertu the weste wynde. 27And he reynede fleischis as dust on hem; and `he reinede volatils fethered, as the grauel of the see. 28And tho felden doun in the myddis of her castels; aboute the tabernaclis of hem. 29And thei eeten, and weren fillid greetli, and he brouyte her desire to hem; 30thei weren not defraudid of her desier. Yit her metis weren in her mouth; 31and the ire of God stiede on hem. And he killide the fatte men of hem; and he lettide the chosene men of Israel. 32In alle these thingis thei synneden yit; and bileuede not in the merueils of God. 33And the daies of hem failiden in vanytee; and the yeeris of hem faileden with haste. 34Whanne he killide hem, thei souyten hym; and turneden ayen, and eerli thei camen to hym. 35And thei bithouyten, that God is the helper of hem; and `the hiy God is the ayenbier of hem. 36And thei loueden hym in her mouth; and with her tunge thei lieden to hym. 37Forsothe the herte of hem was not riytful with hym; nethir thei weren had feithful in his testament. 38But he is merciful, and he schal be maad merciful to the synnes of hem; and he schal not destrie hem. And he dide greetli, to turne awei his yre; and he kyndelide not al his ire. 39And he bithouyte, that thei ben fleische; a spirit goynge, and not turnynge ayen. 40Hou oft maden thei hym wrooth in desert; thei stireden hym in to ire in a place with out watir. 41And thei weren turned, and temptiden God; and thei wraththiden the hooli of Israel. 42Thei bithouyten not on his hond; in the dai in the which he ayen bouyte hem fro the hond of the trobler. 43As he settide hise signes in Egipt; and hise grete wondris in the feeld of Taphneos. 44And he turnede the flodis of hem and the reynes of hem in to blood; that thei schulden not drynke. 45He sente a fleisch flie in to hem, and it eet hem; and he sente a paddok, and it loste hem. 46And he yaf the fruytis of hem to rust; and he yaf the trauels of hem to locustis. 47And he killide the vynes of hem bi hail; and the moore trees of hem bi a frost. 48And he bitook the beestis of hem to hail; and the possessioun of hem to fier. 49He sente in to hem the ire of his indignacioun; indignacioun, and ire, and tribulacioun, sendingis in bi iuel aungels. 50He made weie to the path of his ire, and he sparide not fro the deth of her lyues; and he closide togidere in deth the beestis of hem. 51And he smoot al the first gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt; the first fruytis of alle the trauel of hem in the tabernaclis of Cham. 52And he took awei his puple as scheep; and he ledde hem forth as a flok in desert. 53And he ledde hem forth in hope, and thei dredden not; and the see hilide the enemyes of hem. 54And he brouyte hem in to the hil of his halewyng; in to the hil which his riythond gat. And he castide out hethene men fro the face of hem; and bi lot he departide to hem the lond in a cord of delyng. 55And he made the lynagis of Israel to dwelle in the tabernaclis of hem. 56And thei temptiden, and wraththiden heiy God; and thei kepten not hise witnessyngis. 57And thei turneden awei hem silf, and thei kepten not couenaunt; as her fadris weren turned in to a schrewid bouwe. 58Thei stiriden him in to ire in her litle hillis; and thei terriden hym to indignacioun of her grauen ymagis. 59God herde, and forsook; and brouyte to nouyt Israel greetli. 60And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Sylo; his tabernacle where he dwellide among men. 61And he bitook the vertu of hem in to caitiftee; and the fairnesse of hem in to the hondis of the enemye. 62And he closide togidere his puple in swerd; and he dispiside his erytage. 63Fier eet the yonge men of hem; and the virgyns of hem weren not biweilid. 64The prestis of hem fellen doun bi swerd; and the widewis of hem weren not biwept. 65And the Lord was reisid, as slepynge; as miyti greetli fillid of wiyn. 66And he smoot hise enemyes on the hynderere partis; he yaf to hem euerlastyng schenschipe. 67And he puttide awei the tabernacle of Joseph; and he chees not the lynage of Effraym. 68But he chees the lynage of Juda; he chees the hil of Syon, which he louede. 69And he as an vnicorn bildide his hooli place; in the lond, which he foundide in to worldis. 70And he chees Dauid his seruaunt, and took hym vp fro the flockis of scheep; he took hym fro bihynde scheep with lambren. 71To feed Jacob his seruaunt; and Israel his eritage. 72And he fedde hem in the innocens of his herte; and he ledde hem forth in the vndurstondyngis of his hondis.

PSA 77 ©
