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Cvdl 2CH Chapter 5

2CH 5 ©

5Thus was all ye worke fynished, which Salomon made in the house of the LORDE.And Salomon broughte in all yt his father Dauid had sanctified, namely, syluer and golde, and all maner of ornamentes, and layed them in the treasures of the house of God. 2The gathered Salomon all the Elders in Israel together, all ye heades of the trybes, prynces of the fathers amoge the childre of Israel vnto Ierusale, to brynge vp the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE out of the cite of Dauid, that is Sion. 3And there resorted vnto the kynge all the men in Israel at the feast, that is in the seuenth moneth, 4and all ye Elders in Israel came. And ye Leuites toke the Arke, 5& broughte it vp with the Tabernacle of witnesse, and all the holy vessels that were in the Tabernacle: and ye prestes and Leuites broughte them vp. 6As for kynge Salomon and all the cogregacion of Israel that was gathered vnto him before the Arke, they offred shepe and oxen, so many, that no man coulde nombre ner reken them. 7Thus the prestes broughte the Arke of ye couenaunt of the LORDE vnto hir place in to the quere of the house, euen in to ye Most holy vnder the wynges of the Cherubins, 8so that the Cherubins spred out their wynges ouer the place of the Arke: and the Cherubins couered the Arke and the staues therof from aboue. 9And the staues were so longe, yt the knoppes of them were sene from the Arke before the quere, but on the outsyde were they not sene. And it was there vnto this daye. 10And there was nothinge in the Arke, saue the two tables, which Moses put therin at Horeb, whan the LORDE made a couenaunt with the childre of Israel, what tyme as they were departed out of Egipte. 11And whan the prestes wente out of the Sanctuary (for all ye prestes that were founde, sanctified them selues, because the courses were not kepte) 12the Leuites with all those that were vnder Asaph, Heman, Iedithun and their children and brethren, beynge clothed in lynnen, songe with Cymbales, psalteries and harpes, and stode towarde the east parte of the altare, and an hundreth & twentye prestes with them, which blewe wt trompettes. 13And it was, as yf one dyd trompet and synge, as though a voyce had bene herde of praysinge and geuynge thankes vnto the LORDE. And whan the voyce arose from ye trompettes, cymbales and other instrumentes of musick, and from praysinge the LORDE (because he is gracious, and because his mercy endureth for euer) the house of the LORDE was fylled on the ynsyde with a cloude, 14so yt the prestes coulde not stonde to mynister for the cloude: for the glory of the LORDE fylled the house of God.

2CH 5 ©
