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Cvdl 2CH Chapter 6

2CH 6 ©

6Then sayde Salomon: The LORDE sayde, that he wolde dwell in a darck cloude: 2I haue buylded an house to be an habitacion vnto the: & a seate, yt thou mayest dwell there for euer. 3And the kynge turned his face, and blessed all the congregacion of Israel: for the whole cogregacion of Israel stode, 4& he sayde: Praysed be the LORDE God of Israel, which promysed by his mouth vnto my father Dauid, and with his hande hath fulfylled it, wha he sayde: 5Sece the tyme that I broughte my people out of the londe of Egipte, I haue chosen no cite in all ye trybes of Israel, to buylde an house for my name to be there, nether haue I chosen eny man to be prynce ouer my people of Israel. 6But Ierusalem haue I chosen, for my name to be there: & Dauid haue I electe, to be prynce ouer my people of Israel. 7And whan my father Dauid was mynded to buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE God of Israel, 8the LORDE sayde vnto Dauid my father: Where as thou wast mynded to buylde an house vnto my name, thou hast done well: 9howbeit thou shalt not buylde the house, but thy sonne which shall come out of thy loynes, shal buylde the house vnto my name. 10Thus hath ye LORDE now perfourmed his worde, that he spake: for I am come vp in my father Dauids steade, and syt vpon the seate of Israel, euen as the LORDE sayde, & haue buylded an house vnto the name of ye LORDE God of Israel, 11& in it haue I put ye Arke, wherin is the couenaunt of ye LORDE, which he made with the childre of Israel. 12And he stode before the altare of the LORDE in the presence of the whole congregacion of Israel, and spred out his handes: 13for Salomon had made a brasen pulpit, and set it in the myddes of the courte, fyue cubites longe, and fyue cubites brode, and thre cubites hye: vpon the same stode he, and fell downe vpon his knees in the presence of the whole cogregacion of Israel, and helde out his handes towarde heaue 14and sayde: O LORDE God of Israel, there is no god like the, nether in heauen ner vpon earth, thou that kepest couenaunt and mercy for thy seruauntes, that walke before the with all their hert. 15Thou hast kepte promes wt my father Dauid thy seruaunt: With thy mouth thou saydest it, and with thy hande hast thou fulfylled it, as it is come to passe this daye. 16Now LORDE God of Israel, make good vnto my father Dauid yi seruaunt, that which thou hast promysed him, & sayde: Thou shalt not want a man before me, to syt vpon the seate of Israel: yf thy children kepe their waye, so yt they walke in my lawe, like as thou hast walked before me: 17Now LORDE God of Israel, let yi worde be verified, which thou hast promysed vnto Dauid thy seruaunt. 18For thinkest thou that God in very dede dwelleth amonge men vpon earth? Beholde, the heauen and ye heauens of all heauens maye not coteyne the: how shulde then this house do it, which I haue buylded? 19But turne the vnto the prayer of thy seruaunt, and to his supplicacio (O LORDE my God) that thou mayest heare the thankesgeuynge and prayer, which thy seruaunt maketh before the, 20so that thine eyes be open ouer this house daye and night, euen ouer this place (wherin thou saydest thou woldest set thy name) that thou mayest heare the prayer, which thy seruaunt shall make in this place. 21Heare now therfore the intercession of thy seruaunt and of thy people of Israel, what so euer they shall desyre in this place: heare thou it from the place of thy habitacion, eue from heauen: and whan thou hearest it, be mercifull. 22Whan eny ma synneth agaynst his neghboure, and an ooth be put vpon him which he ought to sweare, and the ooth commeth before thine altare in this house, 23then heare thou from heauen, and se yt thy seruaunt haue righte, so that thou rewarde the vngodly, and recopence him his waye vpon his awne heade, and to iustifye the righteous, and to geue him acordinge to his righteousnes. 24Whan thy people of Israel is smytte before their enemies (whyle they haue synned agaynst the) and yf they turne vnto the, and knowlege thy name, and make their prayer and intercession before the in this house, 25then heare thou them from heauen, and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy people of Israel, & brynge them agayne into the londe, yt thou hast geuen them and their fathers. 26Whan the heauen is shut vp, so that it rayne not (for so moch as they haue synned agaynst the) and yf they make their prayer in this place, and knowlege thy name, and turne from their synnes (whan thou hast brought them lowe) 27heare thou them then in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy seruauntes, and of thy people of Israel, that thou mayest teach them the good waye wherin they shulde walke, and let it rayne vpon thy londe which thou hast geuen thy people to possesse. 28Whan a derth, or pestilence, or drouth, or blastinge, or greshopper or catirpiller, is in the londe: Or whan their enemye layeth sege to their portes in the lode, or whan eny other plage or disease happeneth, 29who so euer the maketh his prayer or peticion amonge eny maner of men, or amonge all thy people of Israel, yf eny man fele his plage and disease, and spredeth out his handes vnto this house, 30heare thou then from heauen, euen from ye seate of thy habitacion, and be mercifull: and geue euery man acordinge to all his wayes, in so moch as thou knowest his hert (for thou onely knowest the hert of the children of men) 31that they maye feare the, and allwaye walke in thy wayes, as longe as they lyue in the londe, which thou hast geuen vnto oure fathers. 32And whan eny straunger which is not of thy people of Israel, commeth out of a farre countre because of thy greate name, and mightie hande, and out stretched arme, and commeth to make his prayer in this house, 33heare thou him then from heaue, euen from the seate of thy habitacion: and do all for ye which that straunger calleth vpo the, that all the nacions vpon earth maye knowe thy name, and feare the, as thy people of Israel do: and that they maye knowe, how yt this house which I haue buylded, is named after thy name. 34Whan thy people go forth to ye battayll agaynst their enemies, the waye that thou shalt sende them, and shall praye vnto the towarde the waye of this cite which thou hast chosen, and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name, 35heare thou the their prayer and peticion from heauen, and helpe them to their righte. 36Whan they synne agaynst the ( for there is no man that synneth not) and thou be wroth at them, and geue them ouer before their enemyes, so that they cary them awaye captyue in to a countre farre or nye, 37and yf they turne within their hertes in the londe where they are presoners, and so conuerte, and make their intercession vnto the in the londe of their captiuyte, and saye: We haue synned, and done amysse, and haue bene vngodly: 38and so turne them selues vnto ye with all their hert and with all their soule in the londe of their captiuyte, wherin they are presoners: and make their prayer towarde the waye of their owne londe, which thou gauest vnto their fathers, and towarde the cite which thou hast chosen, and towarde the house that I haue buylded vnto thy name: 39then heare thou their prayer and supplicacion from heauen, euen from the seate of thy dwellynge, and helpe them to their righte, and be mercifull vnto thy people that haue synned agaynst the. 40My God, let thine eyes now be ope, and let thine eares geue hede vnto prayer in this place. 41Aryse now O LORDE God vnto thy restinge place, thou and the Arke of thy strength. Let thy prestes O LORDE God be clothed with health, and let thy sayentes reioyse ouer this good. 42LORDE God, turne not awaye the face of thine anoynted: thinke vpon the mercies of thy seruaunt Dauid.

2CH 6 ©
