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KJB-1611 ISA Chapter 35

ISA 35 ©

01 The ioyfull flourishing of Christes Kingdome. 3 The weake are incouraged by the vertues and priuiledges of the Gospel. XXXV¶ The wildernesse and the solitarie place shall be glad for them: and the desert shall reioyce and blossome as the rose. 2It shall blossome abundantly, and reioyce euen with ioy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shal be giuen vnto it, the excellencie of Carmel and Sharon: they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellencie of our God. 3[fn]Strengthen yee the weake hands, and confirme the feeble knees. 4[fn]Say to them that are of a fearefull heart; Be strong, feare not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, euen God with a recompence, he will come and saue you. 5[fn][fn]Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the eares of the deafe shalbe vnstopped. 6[fn][fn][fn]Then shall the lame man leape as an Hart, and the tongue of the dumbe sing: for in the wildernesse shall waters breake out, and streames in the desert. 7[fn]And the parched ground shall become a poole, and the thirstie land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shalbe grasse with reeds and rushes. 8[fn]And an high way shalbe there, and away, and it shall be called the way of holinesse, the vncleane shall not passe ouer it, but it shall be for those: the wayfaringmen, though fooles, shall not erre therein. 9No lyon shalbe there; nor any rauenous beast shall goe vp thereon, it shall not be found there: but the redeemed shall walke there. 10[fn]And the ransomed of the LORD shall returne and come to Zion with songs, and euerlasting ioy vpon their heads: they shall obtaine ioy and gladnesse, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

35:3 Hebr. 12. 12.

35:4 Heb. hastie.

35:5 Matth.9. 27. and 11. 5. and 12. 22. and 20. 30. and 21. 14. ioh. 9. 6,7.

35:5 Matth.11 5. mar. 7. 32.

35:6 Matth.11 5. and 15. 30. and 21. 14. ioh. 5.8, 9 acts 3.2. and 8.7 and 14.8.

35:6 Matth. 9. 32. and 12. 22. and 15. 30.

35:6 Ioh.7.38. 39.

35:7 Or, a court for reedes &c.

35:8 Or, for he shalbe with them.

35:10 Chap. 51. 11.

ISA 35 ©
