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Tyndale Open Bible Dictionary



1. Prophet during the reign of Rehoboam, king of Judah (930–913 BC). He warned the king not to go to war against Jeroboam and the ten northern tribes of Israel (1 Kgs 12:22-24; 2 Chr 11:2-4). Five years later he spoke words of comfort to a repentant Rehoboam and people of Judah (2 Chr 12:5-7). Shemaiah chronicled the life of Rehoboam in a book that has since been lost.

2. Son of Shecaniah, the father of six sons and a descendant of David through Rehoboam’s line (1 Chr 3:22).

3. Simeonite, father of Shimri and an ancestor of Jehu (1 Chr 4:37).

4. Reubenite and a son of Joel (1 Chr 5:4).

5. Levite and the son of Hasshub, who returned to Jerusalem after the exile (1 Chr 9:14). He was made a leader in the work of the temple during the days of Nehemiah (Neh 11:15).

6. Son of Galal and the father of Obadiah, a Levite who returned to Jerusalem following the Babylonian captivity (1 Chr 9:16); called Shammua in Nehemiah 11:17.

7. Levite and the leader of his father’s house. Shemaiah was summoned by David to help carry the ark from Obed-edom’s house to Jerusalem (1 Chr 15:8-11).

8. Son of Nethanel and the Levitical scribe who recorded the 24 divisions of the priests during David’s reign in Israel (1000–961 BC; 1 Chr 24:6).

9. Oldest of Obed-edom’s eight sons and the father of sons who served as the gatekeepers of the south gate and storehouse of the sanctuary during David’s reign (1 Chr 26:4-7).

10. One of the Levites sent by King Jehoshaphat of Judah (872–848 BC) to teach the law in the cities of Judah (2 Chr 17:8-9).

11. Son of Jeduthun and Uzziel’s brother, who was among the Levites chosen by King Hezekiah of Judah (715–686 BC) to cleanse the house of the Lord (2 Chr 29:14-15).

12. One of the Levites assisting Kore with the distribution of the offerings among his fellow priests living in the priestly cities of Judah during the days of King Hezekiah (2 Chr 31:15).

13. One of the Levitical leaders who generously gave animals to the Levites for the celebration of the Passover feast during King Josiah’s reign (640–609 BC; 2 Chr 35:9).

14. Son of Adonikam, who returned with Ezra to Judah after the exile during the reign of King Artaxerxes I of Persia (464–424 BC; Ezr 8:13).

15. One of the Jewish leaders whom Ezra sent to Iddo at Casiphia to gather Levites and temple servants for the caravan of Jews returning to Palestine from Babylon (Ezr 8:16-17).

16. Priest and one of Harim’s five sons who was encouraged by Ezra to divorce his foreign wife during the postexilic era (Ezr 10:21).

17. Son of another Harim who was encouraged by Ezra to divorce his foreign wife (Ezr 10:31).

18. Son of Shecaniah and the keeper of the East Gate who repaired a section of the Jerusalem wall under Nehemiah’s direction (Neh 3:29).

19. Son of Delaiah and a false prophet hired by Tobiah and Sanballat to frighten Nehemiah and hinder him from rebuilding the Jerusalem wall (Neh 6:10-13).

20. One of the priests who set his seal on the covenant of Ezra (Neh 10:8).

21. One of the leaders of the priests who returned with Zerubbabel and Jeshua to Judah after the exile (Neh 12:6).

22. One of the princes of Judah who participated in the dedication of the Jerusalem wall during the postexilic period (Neh 12:34).

23. Son of Mattaniah, grandfather of Zechariah, and a descendant of Asaph. Zechariah was one of the priests who played a trumpet at the dedication of the Jerusalem wall (Neh 12:35).

24–25. Two priestly musicians who performed at the dedication of the Jerusalem wall (Neh 12:36, 42).

26. Father of Uriah the prophet from Kiriath-jearim. Like Jeremiah, his contemporary, Uriah spoke words of doom against Jerusalem and Judah during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah (609–598 BC), who deplored Uriah’s message and eventually had him killed (Jer 26:20-21).

27. Nehelamite and a Jew deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, from where he opposed Jeremiah. He sent letters to the priests in Jerusalem that criticized Jeremiah for predicting a long captivity for Judah. Jeremiah exposed Shemaiah as a false prophet and foretold that he and his descendants would not live to see the return to Palestine (Jer 29:24-32).

28. Father of Delaiah, a prince of Judah during the reign of King Jehoiakim (Jer 36:12).

29. A kinsman of Tobit (Tb 5:14); also spelled Shemeliah.