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Cvdl JOS Chapter 16

JOS 16 ©

16And the lot fell vnto the children of Ephraim fro Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, vnto the water on the east syde of Iericho, and the wyldernesse, yt goeth vp from Iericho thorow the mountayne of Bethel, 2and commeth out from Bethel vnto Lus, and goeth thorow the coast of Arciataroth, 3and stretcheth downe westwarde vnto ye coaste of Iaphleti to ye border of the lower Bethoron, and vnto Gaser: and the ende therof is by the greate see. 4This the children of Ioseph (Manasses & Ephraim) receaued to enheritaunce. 5The Border of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds of their enheritaunce from the east, was Ataroth Adar vnto the vpper Bethoron, 6& goeth out westwarde by Michmethath that lyeth towarde the north, there fetcheth it a compasse towarde the east syde of the cite Thaenath Silo, and goeth there thorow from the east vnto Ianoha, 7and commeth downe from Ianoha vnto Ataroth and Naaratha, and bordreth on Iericho, and goeth out at Iordane. 8From Thapuah goeth it westwarde vnto Naalkama, and the out goinge of it is at the see. This is the enheritaunce of the trybe of the children of Ephraim amonge their kynreds. 9And all the borders, cities with their vyllages of the childre of Ephraim laye scatred amonge the enheritaunce of the children of Manasse. 10And they droue not out ye Cananites, which dwelt at Gaser. So ye Cananites remayned amoge Ephraim vnto this daye, and became tributaries.

JOS 16 ©
