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Cvdl JOS Chapter 18

JOS 18 ©

18And all the multitude of the children of Israel gathered them selues together vnto Silo, and they set vp ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and the londe was subdued vnto them. 2But there were yet seuen trybes of the childre of Israel, vnto whom they had not deuyded their enheritaunce. 3And Iosua sayde vnto the children of Israel: How longe are ye so slowe, to go and coquere the londe, which the LORDE God of youre fathers hath geuen you? 4Chose you thre men out of euery trybe, yt I maye sende them, and that they maye get them vp and go thorow the londe, and descrybe it acordinge to the enheritaunces therof, and come vnto me. 5Deuyde the londe in seuen partes. Iudas shal remayne vpon his borders of the south syde, and the house of Ioseph shal remayne vpon his borders of the north parte: 6but descrybe ye the londe in seuen partes, and brynge them vnto me, then shal I cast ye lot for you before the LORDE oure God. 7For the Leuites haue no porcion amonge you, but the presthode of the LORDE is their enheritaunce. As for Gad & Ruben and ye halfe trybe of Manasse, they haue receaued their enheritaunce beyonde Iordane eastwarde, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue them. 8Then the men gat vp, to go their waye. And whan they were aboute to go for to descrybe the londe, Iosua commaunded them, and sayde: Go youre waye, and walke thorow the londe, and descrybe it, and come agayne vnto me, that I maye cast ye lot for you before the LORDE at Silo. 9So the men departed, and wente thorow the londe, and descrybed it in seuen partes vpon a letter acordinge to the cities, and came to Iosua in to the hoost at Silo. 10Then Iosua cast the lot ouer them at Silo before the LORDE, and there distributed the londe amonge the children of Israel, vnto euery one his parte. 11And the lot of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin fell acordinge to their kynreds, and the border of their lot wente out betwene the children of Iuda & the children of Ioseph. 12And their border was on ye north quarter of Iordane, and goeth vp from the north syde of Iericho, and commeth vp to the mountayne westwarde, and goeth out by the wyldernesse of Bethauen, 13and goeth from thece towarde Lus, euen by the south syde of Lus (that is Bethel) and commeth downe vnto Ataroth Adar by the mountayne which lyeth on ye south syde of the lower Bethoron. 14Then boweth it downe, and fetcheth a compasse vnto the south west quarter from the mount that lyeth ouer agaynst Bethoron towarde the south, and goeth out vnto Kiriath Baal, yt is Kiriath Iearim, a cite of the children of Iuda. This is the west border. 15But the south border is from Kiriath Iearim forth, and goeth out towarde the west, and commeth forth vnto ye water well of Nepthoah: 16and goeth downe by the edge of the mount, that lyeth before the valley of the sonne of Hinnam: and goeth downe thorow the valley of Hinnam on ye south syde of the Iebusites, and commeth downe to the well of Rogell, 17and stretcheth from the northwarde, and commeth out vnto EnSemes, and commeth forth to the heapes that lye vp towarde Adumim, and cometh downe vnto the stone of Bohen the sonne of Ruben, 18and goeth a longe besyde ye playne felde which lyeth north warde, and commeth downe vnto ye playne felde, 19and goeth besyde Beth Hagla that lyeth towarde the north, and his ende is at the north border of the Salt see, vnto ye edge of Iordane southwarde. This is the south border. 20But Iordane shal be the ende of the east quarter. This is the enheritaunce of ye children of Ben Iamin in their borders rounde aboute, amonge their kynreds. 21The cities of the trybe of the children of Ben Iamin amoge their kynreds are these: Iericho, Beth Hagla, Emek Rezig, 22Betharaba, Zemaraim, Bethel, 23Auim, Haphar, Aphra, 24Caphar Amonai, Aphni, Gaba: these are twolue cities and their vyllages. 25Gibeon, Rama, Beeroth, 26Mispa, Caphira, Moza, 27Rekem, Ieerpeel, Thareala, 28Zela, Eleph, and the Iebusites, that is Ierusalem, Gibeath, Kiriath: these are fourtene cities and their vyllages. This is the enheritaunce of the children of Ben Iamin in their kynreds.

JOS 18 ©
