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Cvdl JOS Chapter 10

JOS 10 ©

10Whan Adonisedech the kynge of Ierusalem herde, that Iosua had wonne Hai, and damned it, and done vnto Hai and ye kynge of it, like as he dyd vnto Iericho and to the kynge therof, and that they of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were come vnder them, they were sore afrayed. 2For Gibeon was a greate cite, like as one of the kynges cities, and greater then Hai, and all the citesyns therof were men of armes. 3Therfore sent he vnto Hoham the kynge of Hebron, and to Pirea the kynge of Iarmuth, and to Iaphia the kynge of Lachis, and to Debir the kynge of Eglon, and caused to saie vnto them: 4Come vp vnto me, and helpe me, that we maie smyte Gibeon, for they haue made peace with Iosua and the children of Israel. 5Then came the fyue kynges of the Amorites together, and wente vp, the kynge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebron, ye kynge of Iarmuth, the kynge of Lachis, the kynge of Eglon, with all their armies, & layed sege vnto Gibeon, and foughte agaynst it. 6Howbeit they of Gibeon sent vnto Iosua to Gilgall, and caused to saye vnto him: Withdrawe not thine hande from thy seruauntes, come vp soone vnto vs: delyuer and helpe vs, for all the kynges of the Amorites that dwell vpon the mountaynes, are gathered together agaynst vs. 7Iosua wente vp from Gilgall, and all the warryers and all the men armes with him. 8And the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Feare them not, for I haue geue them in to thy hande. There shall not one of them be able to stonde before the. 9So Iosua came sodenly vpon them, for all that night wente he vp from Gilgall. 10And the LORDE discomfyted the before Israel, and smote them with a greate slaughter at Gibeon: & they chaced them the waie downe to Beth Horon, and smote them vnto Aseka and Makeda. 11And whan they fled before Israel, the waye downe to Bethoron, the LORDE caused a greate hayle from heauen to fall vpon them, vnto Aseka, so that they dyed: & many mo of them dyed of the hayle, then the children of Israel slewe with the swerde. 12Then spake Iosua vnto the LORDE (the same daye that the LORDE gaue ouer the Amorites before the children of Israel) and sayde in the presence of Israel: Sonne, holde styll at Gibeon, and thou Moone in the valley of Aialon. 13Then the Sonne helde styll, and ye Moone stode, vntyll the people had auenged the selues on their enemies. Is not this wrytten in the boke of the righteous? Thus the Sonne stode styll in the myddes of heauen, and dyfferred to go downe for the space of a whole daye after. 14And there was no daye like vnto this (nether before ner after) whan the LORDE herkened vnto the voyce of one man: for the LORDE fought for Israel. 15And Iosua wente agayne to Gilgall in to the tetes, and all Israel with him. 16As for the fyue kynges, they were fled, and had hyd the selues in the caue at Makeda. 17Then was it tolde Iosua: We haue foude the fyue kynges hyd in the caue at Makeda. 18Iosua sayde: Rolle greate stones then before the hole of the caue, and set men there to kepe them. 19As for you, stonde not ye styll, but folowe after youre enemies, and smyte them behynde, and let them not come in their cities, for the LORDE youre God hath delyuered the in to youre hande. 20And whan Iosua and ye children of Israel had ended the sore greate slaughter vpo them, so yt they were brought to naught, the remnaunt of them came in to the stronge cities. 21So all the people came agayne to the hoost vnto Iosua to Makeda in peace, and no man durst moue his tunge agaynst the children of Israel. 22Iosua sayde: Open the mouth of the caue, and brynge the fyue kynge forth vnto me. 23They dyd so, and broughte the kynges vnto him out of the caue: the kinge of Ierusalem, the kynge of Hebro, the kynge of Iarmuth, the kynge of Lachis, the kinge of Eglon. 24Whan these fyue kynges were broughte forth vnto him, Iosua called euery man of Israel, and sayde vnto the rulers of the men of warre that wente with him: Come forth and treade vpon the neckes of these kynges with youre fete. And they came forth, and trode vpon their neckes with their fete. 25And Iosua saide vnto them: Be not afrayed, and feare not: be stronge and bolde, for thus shal the LORDE do vnto all yor enemies, agaynst whom ye fighte. 26And Iosua smote them afterwarde, and put them to death, and hanged them vpon fyue trees. And they hanged styll vpon the trees vntyll the euenynge. 27But whan the Sonne was gone downe, he commaunded to take them of from the trees: and they cast them in the caue, wherin they had hyd them selues, & before the hole of the caue they layed greate stones, which are there yet vnto this daye. 28The same daye wanne Iosua Makeda also, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and the kynge therof, and damned it, and all the soules that were therin, and let none remayne escaped: and dyd vnto the kynge of Makeda as he dyd vnto the kynge of Iericho. 29Then Iosua and all Israel with him departed fro Makeda vnto Lybna, & foughte agaynst it. 30(And the LORDE gaue it with ye kynge therof into the hande of Israel) and smote it and all the soules that were therin, with the edge of the swerde, and let not one remayne in it: and dyd vnto the kinge therof as he had done vnto the kynge of Iericho. 31Afterwarde wente Iosua and all Israel with him from Lybna vnto Lachis, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it. 32And the LORDE delyuered Lachis also in to the hande of Israel, so that they wanne it vpon the seconde daye, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and all the soules that were therin, acordinge to all as he had done vnto Lybna. 33At the same tyme Horam ye kynge of Gazer wente vp, to helpe Lachis. But Iosua smote him with all his people, tyll there remayned not one. 34And Iosua wente with all Israel from Lachis, vnto Eglon, and layed sege vnto it, and fought agaynst it, 35and wanne it the same daye, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and damned all the soules that were therin the same daye, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Lachis. 36After that wente Iosua with all Israel from Eglon vnto Hebron, and foughte agaynst it, 37and wanne it, and smote it with ye edge of the swerde, and the kynge of it, and all the cities therof, and all the soules that were therin, and let not one remayne, acordynge vnto all as he had done vnto Eglon: and damned it, and all the soules that were therin. 38Then turned Iosua agayne with all Israel towarde Debir, and fought agaynst it, 39and wanne it, with the kinge of it, and all ye cities therof, and smote them with the edge of the swerde, and damned all ye soules that were therin, and let not one remayne ouer. Euen as he had done vnto Hebro and Lybna with their kynges, so dyd he also vnto Debir, and the kynge therof. 40Thus Iosua smote all the londe vpon the mountaynes, and towarde the south, and in the lowe countrees, and by the ryuers, with all their kynges, and let not one remaine ouer and damned all that had breth, as the LORDE God of Israel had commaunded. 41And Iosua smote them from Cades Bernea vnto Gaza, and all the londe of Gosen vnto Gibeon, 42and toke all these kynges with their lode at one tyme: for the LORDE God of Israel foughte for Israel. 43And Iosua wente agayne with all Israel to the tentes vnto Gilgal.

JOS 10 ©
