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Cvdl JOS Chapter 6

JOS 6 ©

6As for Iericho, it was shut & kepte because of the childre of Israel, so that no man mighte go out ner in. 2But the LORDE sayde vnto Iosua: Beholde, I haue geuen Iericho with ye kynge and men of warre therof, in to yi hande. 3Let all the men of warre go once rounde aboute ye cite, and do so sixe dayes. 4But vpon the seuenth daye let the prestes take the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before the Arke, and go the same seuenth daye seuen tymes aboute the cite, and let the prestes blowe the trompettes. 5And whan the horne of the yeare of Iubilye bloweth and maketh a sounde, so that ye heare the trompettes, all the people shal make a greate shoute, then shal the walles of the cite fall downe, and ye people shal fall in, euery one straight before him. 6Then Iosua the sonne of Nun called ye prestes, and sayde vnto them: Beare ye the Arke of the couenaunt, and let seuen prestes take the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before the Arke of the LORDE. 7But vnto the people he sayde: Get you hence, and go roude aboute the cite: and let him that is harnessed, go before the Arke of the LORDE. 8Whan Iosua had spoken this vnto the people, the seuen prestes bare the seuen trompettes of the yeare Iubilye before the Arke of the LORDE, and wente & blew the trompettes, and the Arke of the LORDES couenaut folowed after them: 9and who so was harnessed, wente before the prestes that blewe the trompettes, and the multitude folowed the Arke. And all was full of ye noyse of the trompettes. 10But Iosua commaunded the people, and sayde: Ye shall make no shoute, ner let youre voyce be herde, nether shall ye geue one worde out of youre mouth, vntyll the daye yt I saye vnto you: Make a shoute, then make a shoute. 11So the Arke of the LORDE wente once rounde aboute the cite, and came agyne in to ye hooste, & remayned therin: 12for Iosua vsed to ryse vp early in the mornynge. And the prestes bare the Arke of the LORDE: 13so dyd the seuen prestes beare the seuen trompettes of the yeare of Iubilye before ye Arke of the LORDE, and wente and blewe the trompettes: and who so was harnessed, wente before the, but ye multitude folowed ye Arke of the LORDE. And all was full of the noyse of the trompettes. 14The seconde daye wente they once aboute the cite also, and came agayne into the hoost. Thus dyd they sixe dayes. 15But vpon the seueth daye whan the mornynge sprynge arose, they gat them vp early, and wente after the same maner seuen tymes aboute ye cite, so that vpon the same one seuenth daye they wente seuen tymes aboute the cite. 16And at the seueth tyme whan the prestes blewe the trompettes, Iosua sayde vnto the people: Make a shoute, for ye LORDE hath delyuered you the cite: 17Howbeit this cite, & all that is therin, shalbe damned vnto the LORDE: onely the harlot Rahab shal lyue, & all that are with her in ye house, for she hyd the messaungers, whom we sent forth. 18Onely bewarre of it that is damned, lest ye damne youre selues (yf ye take ought of it which is damned) and make the hoost of Israel to be damned, and brynge it into mysfortune. 19But all the syluer and golde, with the ornametes of brasse & yron, shalbe sanctified vnto the LORDE, that it maye come to the LORDES treasure. 20Then made the people a greate shoute, and the prestes blewe the trompettes (for whan the people herde the noyse of the trompettes, they made a greate shoute) and the walles fell, and ehe people clymmed vp in to the cite, euery one straight before him. 21Thus they wanne ye cite, and destroyed all that was in the cite with the edge of the swerde, both man and woman, yonge and olde, oxe, shepe, and Asse. 22But Iosua sayde vnto ye two men which had spyed out the londe: Go in to the house of the harlot, and bringe out the woman fro thence with all that she hath, acordynge as ye haue sworne vnto her. 23Then ye yonge men (the spyes) wente in, and brought forth Rahab with hir father and mother, & brethren, and all that she had, and all hir kynred, and caused her to dwell without the hoost of Israel. 24As for the cite, they brent it with fyre, & all that was therin: onely the syluer and golde, and the ornamentes of brasse and yro put they vnto the treasure in the house of ye LORDE: 25but Iosua let the harlot Rahab lyue, with hir fathers house, and all that she had: & she dwelt in Israel vnto this daie, because she had hyd the messaungers who Iosua sent vnto Iericho to spye. 26At the same tyme sware Iosua, and sayde: Cursed be that man before the LORDE, which setteth vp this cite of Iericho & buyldeth it: Whan he laieth ye foundacio therof, let it cost him his first sonne: And wha he setteth vp the gates of it, let it cost him his yogest sonne. 27Thus the LORDE was with Iosua, so that he was spoken of in all londes.

JOS 6 ©
