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Cvdl MIC Chapter 6

MIC 6 ©

6Herken now what the LORDE sayeth: Vp, reproue the mountaynes, and let the hilles heare thy voyce. 2O Heare the punyshment of the LORDE, ye mountaynes, and ye mightie foundacios of ye earth: for the LORDE wil reproue his people, ad reason with Israel: 3O my people, what haue I done vnto the? or wherin haue I hurte the? geue me answere. 4Because I brought the fro the londe of Egipte, and delyuered the out of the house of bondage? Because I made Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lede the? 5Remembre (o my people) what Balach the kynge of Moab had ymagined agaynst the, ad what answere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him, from Sethim vnto Galgal: yt ye maye knowe the louynge kyndnesses of ye LORDE. 6What acceptable thynge shal I offre vnto the LORDE? shall I bowe mykne to the hye God? Shal I come before him wt brentofferinges, and with calues of a yeare olde? 7Hath the LORDE a pleasure in many thousand rammes, or innumerable streames of oyle? Or shal I geue my firstborne for myne offences, and the frute of my body for the synne of my soule? 8I wil shewe the (O ma) what is good, and what the LORDE requyreth off the: Namely, to do right, to haue pleasure in louynge kyndnesse, to be lowly, and to walke with thy God: 9that thou mayest be called a cite of the LORDE, & that thy name maye be rightuousnesse. Heare (o ye trybes) who wolde els geue you soch warnynge? 10Shulde I not be displeased, for the vnrightuous good in the houses of the wicked, and because the measure is minished? 11Or shulde I iustfie the false balaunces and the bagge of disceatfull weightes, 12amonge those that be full off riches vnrightuously gotten: where the citesyns deale with falsede, speake lyes, and haue disceatfull tunges in their mouthes? 13Therfore I will take in honde to punysh the, and to make the desolate, because of thy synnes. 14Thou shalt eate, & not haue ynough: yee thou shalt bringe thy self downe. Thou shalt fle, but not escape: ad those yt thou woldest saue, wil I delyuer to the swerde. 15Thou shalt sowe, but not reape: thou shalt presse out olyues, but oyle shalt thou not haue, to anoynte thy self withall: thou shalt treade out swete must, but shalt drynke no wyne. 16Ye kepe the ordinaunces of Amri, & all the customes of the house of Achab: ye folowe their pleasures, therfore wil I make the waist, & cause yi inhabiters to be abhorred, O my people: & thus shalt thou beare thine owne shame.

MIC 6 ©