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Cvdl MIC Chapter 4

MIC 4 ©

4But in the latter dayes it wil come to passe, that the hill off the LORDES house shalbe set vp hyer the eny moutaynes or hilles: Yee the people shall preese vnto it, 2and the multitude off the Gentiles shal haist them thither, sayege: Come, let vs go vp to the hill of the LORDE, & to the house of the God of Iacob: that he maye teach vs his waye, and that we maye walke in his pathes. For the lawe shall come out off Sion, ad the worde of God from Ierusalem, 3and shall geue sentence amonge the multitude off the Heithen, and refourme the people off farre coutrees: so that of their swerdes they shal make plowshares, and sythes off their speares. One people shall not lift vp a swerde agaynst another, yee they shall nomore lerne to fight: 4but euery man shal syt vnder his vinyarde and vnder his fyge tre, and no man to fraye him awaye: for the mouth off ye LORDE of hoostes hath spoken it. 5Therfore, where as all people haue walked euery man in ye name of his owne god, we will walke in the name of oure God for euer and euer. 6At the same tyme (sayeth the LORDE) will I gather vp the lame and the outcastes, and soch as I haue chastened: 7and will geue yssue vnto the lame, and make of ye outcastes a greate people: and the LORDE himself shal be their kynge vpon the mount Sion, fro this tyme forth for euermore. 8And vnto the (O thou tower of Eder, thou stronge holde off the doughter Sion) vnto the shal it come: eue the first lordshipe and kyngdome of the doughter Ierusale. 9Why the art thou now so heuy? is there no kynge in the? are thy councelers awaye that thou art so payned, as a woman in hir trauayle? 10And now (o thou doughter Sion) be sory, let it greue the as a wife laboringe with childe: for now must thou get the out off the cite, and dwell vpon the playne felde: Yee vnto Babilo shalt thou go, there shalt thou be delyuered, and there the LORDE shal lowse the from the honde off thine enemies. 11Now also are there many people gathered together agaynst the, sayenge: what, Sion is cursed, we shall se oure lust vpon her. 12But they knowe not the thoughtes off the LORDE, they vnderstonde not his councell, that shall gather them together as the sheeues in the barne. 13Therfore get the vp (o thou doughter Sion) and throsshe out the corne: For I wil make thy horne yron, and thy clawes brasse, that thou mayest grynde many people: their goodes shalt thou appropriate vnto the LORDE, and their substaunce vnto the ruler off the whole worlde.

MIC 4 ©