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Cvdl 1TIM Chapter 4

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4The sprete speaketh euydently, that in ye latter tymes some shal departe from the faith, and shal geue hede vnto spretes of erroure, and deuelish doctrynes, of them 2which speake false thorow ypocrysie, and haue their coscience marked with an whote yron, 3forbyddinge to mary, and comaundynge to abstayne fro the meates, which God hath created to be receaued wt geuynge thankes of them which beleue and knowe the trueth. 4For euery creature off God is good, and nothinge to be refused, yt is receaued with thankesgeuynge: 5for it is sanctifyed by the worde of God and prayer. 6Yf thou shalt put the brethren in remembraunce of these thinges, thou shalt be a good mynister of Iesu Christ, which hast bene norished vp in the wordes of faith and of good doctryne, which thou hast folowed hither to. 7As for vngoostly and olde wyuesh fables, cast them awaye, but exercyse thy selfe vnto godlynes. 8For bodely exercyse profyteth litle, but godlynes is profytable vnto all thinges, as a thinge which hath promyses of the life that is now, and of the life for to come. 9This is a sure sayenge, & of all partes worthy to be receaued. 10For therfore we laboure and suffre rebuke, because we hope in the lyuynge God, which is the Sauioure of all men, but specially of those that beleue. 11Soch thinges commaunde thou and teach. 12Let no man despyse yi youth, but be thou vnto them that beleue, an ensample, in worde, in couersacion, in loue, in ye sprete, in faith, in purenesse. 13Geue attendaunce to readynge, to exhortacion, to doctryne, vntyll I come. 14Be not necligent in the gifte that is geuen the thorow prophecye, with layege on of the handes of the Elders. 15These thinges exercyse, and geue thy selfe vnto them, that thine increase maye be manifest vnto euery man. 16Take hede vnto thy selfe, and to learnynge, cotynue in these thinges. For yf thou so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, and them that heare the.

1TIM 4 ©