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KJB-1611 by section PSA 126:0

PSA 126:0–126:6 ©

Psalmes 126

01 The Church celebrating her incredible returne out of captiuitie, 4 prayeth for, and prophecieth the good successe thereof.

[fn][A song of degrees.

CXXVI¶ When the LORD turned againe the captiuitie of Zion: wee were like them that dreame. 2[fn]Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing, then said they among the heathen: The LORD hath done great things for them. 3The LORD hath done great things for vs: whereof we are glad. 4Turne againe our captiuitie, O LORD: as the streames in the South. 5[fn]They that sow in teares: shall reape in ioy. 6[fn]He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtlesse come againe with reioycing: bringing his sheaues with him.

126:1 Hebr. returned the returning of Zion.

126:2 Hebr. hath magnified to doe with them.

126:5 Or, singing.

126:6 Or, seedbasket.

PSA 126:0–126:6 ©
