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RV by section SIR 14:1

SIR 14:1–14:27 ©


14Blessed is the man that hath not slipped with his mouth,

And is not pricked with sorrow for sins.

2Blessed is he whose soul doth not condemn him,

And who is not fallen from his hope.

3Riches are not comely for a niggard;

And what should an envious man do with money?

4He that gathereth by taking from his own soul gathereth for others;

And others shall revel in his goods.

5He that is evil to himself, to whom will he be good?

And he shall not rejoice in his possessions.

6There is none more evil than he that envieth himself;

And this is a recompense of his wickedness.

7Even if he doeth good, he doeth it in forgetfulness;

And at the last he sheweth forth his wickedness.

8Evil is he that envieth with his eye,

Turning away the face, and despising the souls of men.

9A covetous man’s eye is not satisfied with his portion;

And wicked injustice drieth up his soul.

10An evil eye is grudging of bread,

And he is miserly at his table

11My son, according as thou hast, do well unto thyself,

And bring offerings unto the Lord worthily.

12Remember that death will not tarry,

And that the covenant of [fn] the grave is not shewed unto thee.

13Do well unto thy friend before thou die;

And according to thy ability stretch out thy hand and give to him.

14Defraud not thyself of a good day;

And let not the portion of a good desire pass thee by.

15Shalt thou not leave thy labours unto another?

And thy toils to be divided by lot?

16Give, and take, and beguile thy soul;

For there is no seeking of luxury in [fn] the grave.

17All flesh waxeth old as a garment;

For the covenant from the beginning is, Thou shalt die the death.

18As of the leaves flourishing on a thick tree,

Some it sheddeth, and some it maketh to grow;

So also of the generations of flesh and blood,

One cometh to an end, and another is born.

19Every work rotteth and falleth away,

And the worker thereof shall depart with it.

20Blessed is the man that shall [fn] meditate in wisdom,

And that shall discourse by his understanding.

21He that considereth her ways in his heart

Shall also have knowledge in her secrets.

22Go forth after her as one that tracketh,

And lie in wait in her ways.

23He that prieth in at her windows

Shall also hearken at her doors.

24He that lodgeth close to her house

Shall also fasten a nail in her walls.

25He shall pitch his tent nigh at hand to her,

And shall lodge in a lodging where good things are.

26He shall set his children under her shelter,

And shall rest under her branches.

27By her he shall be covered from heat,

And shall lodge in her glory.

14:12 Gr. Hades.

14:16 Gr. Hades.

14:20 Most authorities read come to an end.

SIR 14:1–14:27 ©
