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Greek root word (lemma) ‘πόσος’ (posos)


This root form (lemma) ‘πόσος’ is used in 12 different forms in the Greek originals: πόσα (R-ANP), πόσαι (E-NFP), πόσας (E-AFP), πόσην (R-AFS), πόσοι (E-NMP), πόσον (E-NNS), πόσον (R-ANS), πόσος (E-NMS), πόσους (E-AMP), πόσους (R-AMP), πόσων (E-GFP), πόσῳ (R-DNS).

It is glossed in 8 different ways: ‘by how_much’, ‘for how_much’, ‘of how_many’, ‘to how_much’, ‘how_great’, ‘how_many’, ‘how_many things’, ‘how_much’.

Have 27 uses of Greek root word (lemma) ‘posos’ in the Greek originals

Mark 6:38πόσους (posous) Determiner/Case-Marker AMP ‘and is saying to them how_many loaves you_all are having be going’ SR GNT Mark 6:38 word 8

Mark 8:5πόσους (posous) Pronoun AMP ‘and he was asking them how_many you_all are having loaves they’ SR GNT Mark 8:5 word 9

Mark 8:19πόσους (posous) Determiner/Case-Marker AMP ‘for the five_thousand how_many baskets of fragments full’ SR GNT Mark 8:19 word 11

Mark 8:20πόσων (posōn) Determiner/Case-Marker GFP ‘for the four_thousand of how_many baskets the fillings of fragments’ SR GNT Mark 8:20 word 10

Mark 9:21πόσος (posos) Determiner/Case-Marker NMS ‘the father of him how_much time it is while’ SR GNT Mark 9:21 word 8

Mark 15:4πόσα (posa) Pronoun ANP ‘you are answering nothing see how_many things against you they are accusing’ SR GNT Mark 15:4 word 14

Mat 6:23πόσον (poson) Determiner/Case-Marker NNS ‘is the darkness how_great’ SR GNT Mat 6:23 word 27

Mat 7:11πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘to the children of you_all to how_much more the father’ SR GNT Mat 7:11 word 13

Mat 10:25πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘home_owner Beʼelzeboul they called to how_much more the household’ SR GNT Mat 10:25 word 30

Mat 12:12πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘for how_much therefore is carrying_value than a human’ SR GNT Mat 12:12 word 1

Mat 15:34πόσους (posous) Determiner/Case-Marker AMP ‘is saying to them Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) how_many loaves you_all are having they’ SR GNT Mat 15:34 word 6

Mat 16:9πόσους (posous) Determiner/Case-Marker AMP ‘of the five_thousand and how_many baskets you_all took’ SR GNT Mat 16:9 word 15

Mat 16:10πόσας (posas) Determiner/Case-Marker AFP ‘of the four_thousand and how_many baskets you_all took’ SR GNT Mat 16:10 word 10

Mat 27:13πόσα (posa) Pronoun ANP ‘Pilatos not you are hearing how_many things against you they are testifying’ SR GNT Mat 27:13 word 10

Luke 11:13πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘to the children of you_all for how_much more the father’ SR GNT Luke 11:13 word 15

Luke 12:24πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘god is feeding them for how_much more you_all are carrying_value than’ SR GNT Luke 12:24 word 32

Luke 12:28πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘god thus is dressing for how_much rather you_all little_faith ones’ SR GNT Luke 12:28 word 31

Luke 15:17πόσοι (posoi) Determiner/Case-Marker NMP ‘but having come he was saying how_many hired ones of the father’ SR GNT Luke 15:17 word 7

Luke 16:5πόσον (poson) Pronoun ANS ‘he was saying to the first how_much you are owing to the master’ SR GNT Luke 16:5 word 15

Luke 16:7πόσον (poson) Pronoun ANS ‘he said you and how_much are owing he and’ SR GNT Luke 16:7 word 7

Acts 21:20πόσαι (posai) Determiner/Case-Marker NFP ‘to him you are observing brother how_many tens_of_thousands are among’ SR GNT Acts 21:20 word 16

Rom 11:12πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘of them riches of the pagans by how_much more the fullness’ SR GNT Rom 11:12 word 14

Rom 11:24πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘were engrafted into a cultivated_olive_tree by how_much more these who’ SR GNT Rom 11:24 word 16

2Cor 7:11πόσην (posaʸn) Pronoun AFS ‘according_to god to_be sorrowed how_much it produced in you_all earnestness’ SR GNT 2Cor 7:11 word 10

Phm 1:16πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘beloved most_of_all to me how_much and rather to you’ SR GNT Phm 1:16 word 11

Heb 9:14πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘by how_much more the blood’ SR GNT Heb 9:14 word 2

Heb 10:29πόσῳ (posōi) Pronoun DNS ‘by how_much you_all are supposing of worse he will_be_being considered_worthy’ SR GNT Heb 10:29 word 1

Lemmas with similar glosses to ‘πόσος’ (posos)

Have 3 uses of Greek root word (lemma)hēlikos(determiner/case-marker) in the Greek originals

Col 2:1ἡλίκον (haʸlikon) AMS ‘for you_all to_have known how_much a struggle I am having for’ SR GNT Col 2:1 word 6

Yac (Jam) 3:5ἡλίκον (haʸlikon) NNS ‘great things is boasting see how_much fire how_much a forest’ SR GNT Yac 3:5 word 14

Yac (Jam) 3:5ἡλίκην (haʸlikaʸn) AFS ‘see how_much fire how_much a forest is kindling’ SR GNT Yac 3:5 word 17

Key: E=determiner/case-marker R=pronoun AFP=accusative,feminine,plural AFS=accusative,feminine,singular AMP=accusative,masculine,plural AMS=accusative,masculine,singular ANP=accusative,neuter,plural ANS=accusative,neuter,singular DNS=dative,neuter,singular GFP=genitive,feminine,plural NFP=nominative,feminine,plural NMP=nominative,masculine,plural NMS=nominative,masculine,singular NNS=nominative,neuter,singular