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Open English Translation MAT Chapter 12

MAT 12 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

12:1 The discussion about rest days

(Mark 2:23-28, Luke 6:1-5)

12[ref]At that time, Yeshua was going through some fields of grain on a rest day, and his apprentices were hungry and began to pluck some heads of grain and crunch them. 2But some from the Pharisees party saw them and said, “Look, your followers are harvesting when it’s not permitted to harvest on a rest day.”

3[ref]Haven’t you read about what David did when him and his fighters were hungry?” Yeshua responded. 4[ref]He went into God’s tent and they ate the Bread of the Presence which none of them were allowed to eat—only the priests. 5[ref]Or haven’t you understood that when the priests work in the temple on the rest day, it’s against the law and yet they’re innocent? 6But I’m telling you that someone greater than the temple is here. 7[ref]But you all should have known that what I want is mercy over sacrifices—you shouldn’t have convicted the innocent 8because humanity’s child is the master over the rest day.

12At that the time, the Yaʸsous was_gone on_the days_of_rest through the grainfields, and the the_apprentices/followers of_him hungered, and began to_be_plucking heads_of_grain and to_be_eating.
2And the Farisaios_party having_seen, said to_him:
Behold, the apprentices/followers of_you are_doing what it_is_ not _permitting to_be_doing on the_day_of_rest.
3But he said to_them:
Not you_all_read what Dawid/(Dāvid) did, when he_hungered and the ones with him?
4How he_came_in into the house of_ the _god, and they_ate the bread of_the presence, which it_was not permitting for_him to_eat, nor for_the ones with him, except only not/lest for_the priests?
5Or you_all_ not _read in the law that on_the days_of_rest the priests in the temple are_profaning the day_of_rest, and they_are innocent?
6But I_am_saying to_you_all that one greater than the temple is here.
7But if you_all_had_known what this is:
I_am_wanting Mercy and not sacrifice, you_all_ would not _convicted the innocent.
8For/Because the son of_ the _man is master of_the day_of_rest.

12:9 The man with the clawed fist

(Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11)

9After leaving that place, Yeshua went into the Jewish meeting hall, 10and look, there was a man there with a clawed fist. So the people there asked Yeshua if it was permitted to heal people on the rest days.

11[ref]Which of you,” Yeshua responded, “if you owned a single sheep and it fell into a pit on a rest day, wouldn’t then grab hold of it and lift it out? 12Now a human is worth much more than a sheep, so then it must be permissible to do good on a rest day.13Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.

The man stretched his hand out and it was restored—now just as healthy as the other one, 14but the Pharisees came out and sought legal advice because they wanted to ruin Yeshua.

9And having_departed from_there, he_came into the synagogue of_them.
10And see, a_man having a_ withered _hand.
And they_asked him saying:
- Is_it_permitting to_be_healing on_the days_of_rest?
In_order_that they_may_accuse against_him.
11And he said to_them:
What person will_be of you_all, who will_be_having one sheep, and if this may_fall_in into a_pit on_the days_of_rest, will_ not _be_taking_hold_of it and will_be_raising it?
12For/Because_how_much therefore a_human is_carrying_value than a_sheep?
So_then it_is_permitting to_be_doing good on_the days_of_rest.
13Then he_is_saying to_the man:
Stretch_out the hand of_you.
And he_stretched_out it, and it_was_restored, healthy as the other.
14But the Farisaios_party having_come_out, received a_counsel against him, so_that they_may_destroy him.

12:15 Yeshua was chosen by God

15Yeshua knew what they were trying to do, so he left that place. A lot of people followed along after him and he healed them all 16but warned them not to reveal who he was 17in order to fulfil what the prophet Isayah had written:

18[ref]See my servant who I chose,

the one I dearly love and who my soul takes pleasure in.

I will place my spirit on him

and he will bring justice to the nations.

19He won’t be arguing or yelling out,

and no one on the roads will hear his voice.

20He won’t break off a bruised reed

and certainly won’t extinguish a smoldering wick

before he sends justice forward into victory.

21The other nations will put their hope in his name and authority.’

15But the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) having_known, withdrew from_there.
And great followed after_him, and he_healed them all, 16and he_warned to_them that they_may_ not _make him manifest.
17In_order_that the message may_be_fulfilled having_been_spoken by Aʸsaias/(Yəshaˊyāh) the prophet saying, 18Behold, the servant of_me whom I_chose, the beloved of_me whom the soul of_me took_pleasure I_will_be_putting the spirit of_me on him, and he_will_be_reporting justice to_the pagans.
19He will_ not _be_quarrelling, nor will_be_crying_out, nor will_ anyone _be_hearing the voice of_him in the roads.
20By_no_means he_will_be_breaking a_reed having_been_bruised, and by_no_means he_will_be_extinguishing a_wick being_smoldering, until wishfully he_may_send_forth the justice to victory.
21And the_pagans will_be_hoping in_the name of_him.

12:22 Yeshua accused of being the leader of demons

(Mark 3:20-30, Luke 11:14-23)

22Then a man possessed by evil spirits was brought to Yeshua. He was blind and unable to speak, but Yeshua healed him so that he could both speak and see. 23All the people were amazed and were saying, “Surely this must be the promised descendant of David?”

24[ref]When the Pharisees’ party heard about that, they said, “That man is only driving out demons because he’s Beelzebul, the leader of the demons.”

25But Yeshua, knowing their thoughts, said, “Every kingdom that’s divided against itself is doomed, and any city or household that’s divided against itself will self-destruct. 26If Satan is driving out Satan, then he’s divided against himself and how could his kingdom possibly be established? 27And if I’m driving out demons by Beelzebul, then by who are your sons driving them out? 28But if I am driving out demons by God’s spirit, then that must mean that God’s kingdom has already arrived among you all.

29How can someone go into the house of a strong man and steal his goods if they don’t tie him up first? Only then can his home be plundered.

30[ref]Anyone who’s not for me is against me, and anyone who isn’t helping me gather others is scattering them. 31That’s why I’m telling you that people can be forgiven for all kinds of sin and slander, except that slandering God’s spirit won’t be forgiven. 32[ref]Anyone who speaks out against humanity’s child can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks out against the holy spirit won’t be forgiven either in this age or in the coming one.

22Then a_being_demon_possessed man was_brought to_him, blind and mute, and he_healed him, so_that the mute man to_be_speaking and to_be_seeing.
23And all the crowds were_marvelling and were_saying:
Surely_not this one is the son of_Dawid/(Dāvid)?
24And the Farisaios_party having_heard said:
This man is_ not _throwing_out the demons, except not/lest by the Beʼelzeboul, ruler of_the demons.
25And having_known the thoughts of_them, he_said to_them:
Every kingdom having_been_divided against itself is_being_desolated, and every city or house having_been_divided against itself will_ not _be_being_stood.
26And if the Satan/(Sāţān) is_throwing_out the Satan, he_was_divided against himself.
Therefore how will_ the kingdom of_him _be_being_established?
27And if I am_throwing_out the demons by Beʼelzeboul, by whom the sons of_you_all are_they_throwing_out?
Because_of this, they will_be judges of_you_all.
28But if I am_throwing_out the demons by the_spirit of_god, consequently the kingdom of_ the _god came on you_all.
29Or how is_ anyone _able to_come_in into the house of_the strong man and to_snatch the goods of_him, if not first he_may_bind the strong man?
And then he_will_be_thoroughly_plundering the household of_him.
30The one not being with me is against me, and the one not gathering_together with me is_scattering.
31Because_of this I_am_saying to_you_all, every sin and slander will_be_being_forgiven to_the people, but the slander of_the spirit will_ not _be_being_forgiven.
32And if whoever may_speak a_message against the son of_ the _Man, it_will_be_being_forgiven to_him, but whoever wishfully may_speak against the the holy spirit, it will_ not _be_being_forgiven to_him, neither in this the age nor in the one coming.

12:33 A tree is recognised by its fruit

(Luke 6:43-45)

33[ref]Either make both the tree and its fruit good, or make them both bad, because a tree is known by its fruit. 34[ref]You brood of snakes! You’re evil inside so why do you think you can say anything that’s good because your mouths speak out of what’s plentiful in your hearts. 35A good person produces good words out of their store of goodness, and an evil person produces evil words out of their store of evil.

36But I’m telling you that people will have to give an account on judgement day for every worthless sentence that they’ve spoken, 37because you’ll be either be convicted, or be declared guiltless, by the things that you yourself have said.

33Either make the tree good and the fruit of_it good, or make the tree bad and the fruit of_it bad, because/for the tree is_being_known by the fruit.
34Brood of_vipers, being evil how are_you_all_being_able to_be_speaking good things?
For/Because the mouth is_speaking out_of the excess of_the heart.
35The good person is_sending_forth good out_of his good treasure, and the evil person is_sending_forth evil out_of his evil treasure.
36But I_am_saying to_you_all that every idle message that the people will_be_speaking, they_will_be_giving_back an_account for it in day of_judgment.
37For/Because you_will_be_being_justified by the messages of_you, and you_will_be_being_convicted by the messages of_you.

12:38 The religious leaders ask for a sign

(Mark 8:11-12, Luke 11:29-32)

38[ref]Then some of the teachers of the law and some from the Pharisees’ party responded to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”

39[ref]It’s an evil and adulterous generation that’s looking for a sign,answered Yeshua, “and no sign will be given to it apart from the sign of the prophet Yonah. 40[ref]Because just like Yonah was in the belly of the huge fish for three days and three nights, in the same way humanity’s child will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41[ref]The inhabitants of Nineveh will stand up and condemn this generation on judgement day, because they turned from their sins when Yonah preached, and look, now there’s one here who’s greater than Yonah. 42[ref]The queen of the south will get up and condemn this generation on judgement day, because she travelled a great distance to hear King Solomon’s wisdom, and look, now there’s one here who’s greater than Solomon.

38Then some of_the scribes and Farisaios_party answered to_him saying:
Teacher, we_are_wanting to_see a_sign from you.
39But he answering said to_them, A_ evil and adulterous _Generation is_seeking_after a_sign, and a_sign will_ not _be_being_given to_it, except not/lest the sign of_Yōnas/(Yōnāh) the prophet.
40For/Because as Yōnas was in the belly of_the huge_fish three days and three nights, thus the son of_ the _man will_be three days and three nights in the heart of_the earth.
41The_ Nineuitaʸs/(ones_from_Nīnəvēh) _men will_be_standing_up in the judgment with the this generation, and they_will_be_condemning it, because they_repented at the proclamation of_Yōnas, and see, ^one_greater than Yōnas is here.
42The_queen of_the_south will_be_being_raised in the judgment with the this generation, and will_be_condemning it, because she_came from the ends of_the earth to_hear the wisdom of_Solomōn/(Shəlmoh), and see, ^one_greater than Solomōn is here.

12:43 The demon’s revenge

(Luke 11:24-26)

43Whenever an evil spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid lands looking for a place to rest, and doesn’t find any. 44So it says to itself, ‘I’ll go back to the house that I just left.’ Then when it gets back, it finds that it’s not only unoccupied, but it’s been swept and tidied up. 45So it goes and find seven other spirits more evil than itself and they all go to live there, so the later state of that person is worse that it was at the beginning. So now, it’ll be just like that for this evil generation.

43And whenever the unclean spirit may_come_out from the person, it_is_passing_through through waterless places seeking rest and it_is_ not _finding.
44Then it_is_saying:
I_will_be_turning_back to the house of_me whence I_came_out.
And having_come, it_is_finding being_unoccupied having_been_swept and having_been_adorned.
45Then it_is_going and is_taking with itself seven other spirits more_evil than itself, and having_come_in it_is_dwelling there, and the last state of_the that person is_becoming worse than the first.
Thus it_will_be also to_ the this - evil _generation.

12:46 The mother and siblings of Yeshua

(Mark 3:31-35, Luke 8:19-21)

46While Yeshua was still talking to the crowd, his mother and siblings stood outside, wanting to speak to him. 47Someone told him, “Look, your mother and your siblings are outside, waiting to speak with you.”

48Who’s my mother and who are my siblings?” Yeshua answered to that person. 49Then extending his hand around to his followers he said, “See, these are my mother and my siblings, 50because anyone who obeys my father in the heavens is my brother and my sister and my mother.

46Him still speaking to_the crowds, see, the mother and the brothers of_him had_stood outside, seeking to_speak to_him.
47And someone said to_him:
Behold, the mother of_you and the brothers of_you have_stood outside seeking to_speak to_you.
48But he answering said to_the one speaking to_him:
Who is the mother of_me and who_all are the brothers of_me?
49And having_stretched_out the hand of_him to the apprentices/followers of_him he_said:
Behold, the mother of_me and the brothers of_me.
50For/Because whoever wishfully may_do the will of_the father of_me who is in the_heavens, he is brother, and sister, and mother of_me.

MAT 12 ©
