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Open English Translation MARK Chapter 6

MARK 6 ©

Readers’ Version

Literal Version

6:1 Yeshua’s community can’t believe he’s from God

(Mat. 13:53-58, Luke 4:16-30)

6So Yeshua left Capernaum and went back with his followers to Nazareth, his birthplace. 2It was now the Rest Day and when he started teaching in the meeting hall, many who heard him were astonished, saying, “Where did he learn all this? How could he have such wisdom and be able to do these miracles? 3Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Maria, and the brother of Yacob and Yosef and Yudas and Simon? Don’t his sisters live around here?” And they were offended by his teaching.

4[ref]Yeshua told them, “A prophet is only dishonoured in his own home town, and among his own relatives, and in his own home.

5And he wasn’t able to do even one miracle there, except for placing his hands on a few sick people and healing them. 6He was amazed at how they wouldn’t believe him as he went around the villages teaching.

6And he_came_out from_there, and he_is_coming into the hometown of_him, and the apprentices/followers of_him are_following after_him.
2And of_the_day_of_rest having_become, he_began to_be_teaching in the synagogue, and many hearing were_being_astonished saying:
From_where these things, to_this man, and what is the wisdom which having_been_given to_this one, and the such miracles becoming by the hands of_him?
3Is not this the carpenter, the son of_ the _Maria/(Miryām), and brother of_Yakōbos/(Yaˊₐqoⱱ), and Yōsaʸs/(Yōşēf?
), and Youdas/(Yəhūdāh), and Simōn?
And are not the sisters of_him here with us?
And they_were_being_offended at him.
4And the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa) was_saying to_them, that A_prophet is not dishonourable, except not/lest in the hometown of_him, and among the relatives of_him, and in the house of_him.
5And he_was_ not _able there to_do not_one miracle, except not/lest for_a_few sick, having_laid_on the hands, he_healed them.
6And he_marvelled because_of the unbelief of_them.
And he_was_going_around the villages, around teaching.

6:7 Yeshua sends his apprentices out in pairs

(Mat. 10:5-15, Luke 9:1-6)

7Then he called his twelve apprentices and started sending them out in pairs and giving them authority over demons. 8He insisted that they can carry a walking stick but not to take food, a backpack, or money. 9They could wear one pair of sandals, but not take changes of clothes. 10And he told them, “Whenever you are invited into a home, stay at that one place until you leave that town. 11[ref]But if any places don’t want you or don’t want to hear what you have to say, just leave that place. As you go, shake the dust off your sandals so they can see that you pass the responsibility of what happened to them.

12So the apprentices went off and started telling people to repent. 13[ref]And they drove out many demons, and anointed many sick people with olive oil and healed them.

7And he_is_calling_to the twelve, and began to_be_sending_ them _out two by_two, and was_giving authority to_them over_the the unclean spirits.
8And he_commanded to_them that they_may_be_taking_away nothing for journey, except only not/lest a_staff, not bread, not a_knapsack, not money in the belt, 9but having_tied_on sandals, and you_all_may_ not _dress_in two tunics.
10And he_was_saying to_them:
Wherever if you_all_may_come_in into a_house, be_remaining there until wishfully you_all_may_come_out from_there.
11And whatever wishfully place may_ not _receive you_all, nor may_they_hear from_you_all, going_out from_there, shake_off the dust which beneath the feet of_you_all for a_testimony to_them.
12And having_come_out, they_proclaimed that they_may_be_repenting.
13And they_were_throwing_out many demons, and they_were_anointing many sick with_olive_oil and they_were_healing them.

6:14 The execution of Yohan-the-Immerser

(Mat. 14:1-12, Luke 9:7-9)

14[ref]Yeshua was now becoming well known and King Herod Antipas heard about him. He thought that maybe Yohan-the-Immerser had come back to life and that’s why he was able to do miracles.

15But others thought it was the promised return of Eliyah, and yet others thought he must be another prophet like the ones in the Scriptures.

16But hearing about Yeshua, Herod was telling people, “That Yohan who I had beheaded, he must have come back to life!” 17[ref]Because Herod himself had had Yohan arrested and put in prison because he had married Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. 18Yohan had been telling him that it was wrong for him to marry his brother’s wife, 19and so Herodias resented him enough to want to kill him, but Herod hadn’t be able to 20because he respected Yohan as a righteous and holy teacher and so he kept him alive. He often enjoyed hearing from Yohan and thought a lot about what he said.

21However, an opportunity came at Herod’s birthday celebration, when he threw a feast for his top officials and generals and for the leaders in Galilee. 22The daughter of Herodias came in and danced for them, and the king and his party guests all enjoyed it. So the king said to the young woman, “Just ask me for anything and I’ll give it to you.” 23And he made an oath, “Even if you asked for half of my kingdom, I’d give it to you!”

24So she went out and asked her mother what she should ask for. Her mother told her that she should ask for Yohan’s head.

25So going back into the party, she said seriously to the king, “I would like the head of Yohan-the-Immerser on a plate!”

26The king was really upset with that, but because he had made loud oaths in front of all his guests, he couldn’t say no. 27So he ordered an executioner to go out and return with Yohan’s head. He went off and beheaded him in the prison 28and brought the head into the party on a plate and gave it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 29When Yohan’s followers heard about this, they came and fetched his body and put it into a tomb.

14And the king Haʸrōdaʸs heard, because/for the name of_him became manifest, and he_was_saying, that Yōannaʸs the one immersing has_been_raised from the_dead, and because_of this the miracles are_working in in_him.
15But others were_saying, that He_is Aʸlias/(ʼĒliyyāh), and others were_saying, that A_prophet, like one of_the prophets.
16But having_heard, the Haʸrōdaʸs was_saying, that Yōannaʸs whom I beheaded, this was_raised.
17For/Because the Haʸrōdaʸs himself, having_sent_out, apprehended the Yōannaʸs and bound him in prison because_of Haʸrōidias, the wife of_Filippos, the brother of_him, because he_married her.
18For/Because the Yōannaʸs was_saying to_ the _Haʸrōdaʸs, that It_is_ not _permitting for_you to_be_having the wife of_the brother of_you.
19And the Haʸrōidias was_resenting him, and was_wanting to_kill_ him _off, and he_was_ not _able, 20for/because the Haʸrōdaʸs was_fearing the Yōannaʸs, having_known him as_a_ righteous and holy _man, and was_preserving him, and having_heard from_him, he_was_perplexing much, and he_was_hearing gladly from_him.
21And having_become a_ opportune _day, when Haʸrōdaʸs on_the birthday_celebrations of_him made a_supper, to_the magnates of_him, and to_the commanders, and to_the leaders of_ the _Galilaia/(Gālīl).
22And of_Haʸrōidias the daughter for_him having_come_in and having_danced, she_brought_pleasure to_ the _Haʸrōdaʸs and the ones reclining.
And the king said to_the little_girl:
Ask me whatever if you_may_be_wanting and I_will_be_giving it to_you.
23And he_swore to_her, that Whatever if you_may_ask me, I_will_be_giving to_you, up_to half of_the kingdom of_me.
24And having_come_out, she_said to_the mother of_her:
What may_I_request?
And she said:
The head of_Yōannaʸs the one immersing.
25And having_come_in immediately with earnestness to the king, she_requested saying:
I_am_wanting that immediately you_may_give the head of_Yōannaʸs the immerser to_me on a_platter.
26And the king having_become very_sorrowful, because_of the oaths and the ones reclining he_ not _wanted to_reject her.
27And immediately the king having_sent_out an_executioner, commanded to_bring the head of_him.
And having_gone_away, he_beheaded him in the prison, 28and brought the head of_him on a_platter, and gave it to_the little_girl, and the little_girl gave it to_the mother of_her.
29And having_heard it, the apprentices/followers of_him came and took_up the corpse of_him, and they_laid it in a_tomb.

6:30 Yeshua feeds 5,000 people

(Yhn 6:1-14, Mat. 14:13-21, Luke 9:10-17)

30Now the apprentices who had been sent out returned back to Yeshua and they reported back everything they had done and what they had been teaching people. 31Then he told them, “Let’s just all of us head for a quiet place and take a break.” This was because there were so many people always coming and going, and sometimes they didn’t even have a chance to eat. 32So they went by boat away to a quiet place by themselves.

33But people from towns all around had seen them going and recognised who they were, so they ran around the lake on foot and got there ahead of them. 34[ref]So when Yeshua got out of the boat, he saw a big crowd and felt sorry for them because they seemed like sheep without a shepherd, so he started teaching them many things. 35Then, when it was already getting late, his apprentices came up and said, “This place is pretty isolated and it’s already late. 36Send these people off now so they can go to the nearby settlements and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”

37But Yeshua answered them, “You give them something to eat.

They complained, “If we go, should we buy several months wages worth of bread so we can give all of them something to eat?”

38But he asked, “Go and find out how much bread you have.

When they’d found out they said, “Five buns and two fish.”

39Yeshua told all the people to line up in rows and sit down on the green grass. 40So they sat down in rows of fifty to a hundred. 41Then holding the five buns and two fish, he looking up to the sky and blessed God, and then broke up the buns and gave pieces to his apprentices so they could do likewise to the people, and he also divided up the two fish, 42and all the people ate and were satisfied. 43Then they collected the leftover pieces of bread, filling twelve baskets, as well as the leftover pieces of fish. 44And the headcount of men who ate that evening was five thousand.

30And the ambassadors are_being_gathered_together to the Yaʸsous/(Yəhōshūˊa), and they_reported to_him all things as_much_as they_did and as_much_as they_taught.
31And he_is_saying to_them:
Come you_all yourselves by yourselves to a_desolate place and rest a_little.
For/Because the ones coming and the ones going were many, and they_were_ not_even _having_opportunity to_eat.
32And they_went_away by the boat into a_ desolate _place by themselves.
33And they_saw them going and many recognized them, and from all the the_cities they_ran_together there on_foot and they_went_ahead of_them.
34And having_come_out, he_saw a_great crowd and he_was_feeling_compassion to them because they_were as sheep not having a_shepherd, and he_began to_be_teaching them many things.
35And the_hour already it_having_become late, the apprentices/followers of_him having_approached to_him were_saying, that The place is desolate, and it_is already an_ late _hour, 36send_ them _away, in_order_that having_gone_away to the surrounding country and villages, they_may_buy something for_themselves they_may_eat.
37But answering he said to_them:
You_all give something to_them to_eat.
And they_are_saying to_him:
Having_gone_away, may_we_buy two_hundred of_daʸnarion_coins loaves, and we_will_be_giving something to_them to_eat?
38And he is_saying to_them:
How_many loaves are_you_all_having?
Be_going, see.
And having_known they_are_saying:
Five and two fishes.
39And he_commanded to_them to_sit_down all, groups by_groups on the green grass.
40And sat_down groups by_groups, by hundred and by fifty.
41And having_taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having_looked_up to the sky, he_blessed and broke_up the loaves, and was_giving to_the apprentices/followers of_him in_order_that they_may_be_setting_before to_them, and he_divided the two fishes to_all.
42And they_ all _ate and were_satisfied.
43And they_took_up fragments of_twelve baskets fillings, and of the fishes.
44And the ones having_eaten the loaves were five_thousand men.

6:45 Yeshua walks on the lake surface

(Yhn 6:15-21, Mat. 14:22-33)

45Straight after that, Yeshua sent his apprentices off in the boat to go across to Bethsaida while he sent the crowd home. 46Then he said goodbye to everyone, and climbed the hill to pray. 47Later in the night, the boat was out in the middle of the lake, and only Yeshua remained back there on the land. 48He saw them struggling to row against the wind, and sometime after 3am he came out to them, walking on the lake surface as if to walk past them. 49But they had seen someone walking on the lake and thought it was a ghost, and they yelled out 50because they had all seen it and were terrified.

But Yeshua immediately spoke to them and said, “Hey, take heart, it’s me, don’t be afraid!51Then he climbed up into the boat and the wind died down. And they were all totally astounded 52because they hadn’t understood the implications of him feeding all the people because their minds were closed.

45And immediately he_compelled the apprentices/followers of_him to_board into the boat, and to_be_going_before to the side across to Baʸthsaida, until he is_sending_away the crowd.
46And having_bid_goodbye to_them, he_went_away into the mountain to_pray.
47And having_become evening, the boat was in the_midst of_the sea, and only he on the land.
48And having_seen them being_tormented in the time to_be_rowing, because/for the wind was contrary to_them, about the_fourth watch of_the night he_is_coming to them, walking on the sea, and was_wanting to_pass_by them.
49And they, having_seen him on the sea walking, supposed that he_is a_ghost, and they_cried_out.
50For/Because all saw him and were_disturbed.
And he immediately spoke with them, and is_saying to_them:
Be_having_courage, I am he, be_ not _fearing.
51And he_went_up to them into the boat, and the wind died_down.
And they_were_marvelling exceedingly in themselves, 52for/because they_ not _understood concerning the loaves, but the heart of_them was having_been_hardened.

6:53 Yeshua heals many people around Gennesaret

(Mat. 14:34-36)

53After completing their crossing, they anchored at Gennesaret. 54And when they got out of the boat, again people recognised Yeshua 55and ran around that region, so next minute people began bringing all of those who were sick, carrying them on pallets to wherever they heard that Yeshua was. 56And whenever Yeshua entered villages or cities or fields or marketplaces, they laid the sick down there and were imploring him that they might even just touch the edge of his robe, and anyone who did so was healed.

53And having_crossed_over to the land, they_came to Gennaʸsaret and were_anchored.
54And of_them on_having_come_out out_of the boat, immediately having_recognized him, 55ran_around all the that country, and they_began to_be_carrying_about on the pallets the ones having sickly, where they_were_hearing that he_is.
56And wherever wishfully he_was_entering_in into villages, or into cities, or into fields, in the marketplaces they_were_laying the ones ailing, and they_were_imploring him that they_may_touch even_if against_the fringe of_the garment of_him, and as_many_as wishfully touched against_him were_being_healed.

MARK 6 ©
